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    A Study of Energy Conversion at the Jebba Hydroelectric Power Station
    (IEEE 3rd International Conference on Electro-Technology for National Development (NIGERCON), 2017) Thomas C. T., Akorede M. F., Ogunbiyi O., Olufeagba B. J., & Samuel S. J.
    Hydroelectric power significantly contributes to the national power grid of Nigeria. This paper examined the extent of utilization of the energy supplied into each of the turboalternators at the Jebba Hydroelectric Power Station (JHEPS), Nigeria and suggests a corrective culture to be employed for improved efficiency. The basic principle of a hydropower scheme and its conversion considerations were highlighted. The daily discharge, Q, in cumecs and the power generated, P, in MW at JHEPS over a decade period (2005 – 2014) were analyzed using codes and scripts of Microsoft EXCEL-VBA. Jebba hydroelectric power station is one of the three major hydropower stations in Nigeria and the potential is just beginning to be exploited. The stochastic distribution pattern of the station is also presented for further analysis of failure and repair of the station. The conversion behavior of each unit was found to be linear and all have a value greater than 0.5 on a scale of 0.00 to 1.00. Turbo-alternator (TA) unit 1 was found to have the highest conversion characteristic of 0.9951, while unit 4 was the least at 0.6884. However unit 6 was exempted in this analysis as it was not in use during this period. The paper also gave an insight into the effective operating head of each TA, the paper also suggests the corrective measure to employ for each turbine.
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    A Direct Optimal Control of the Jebba Hydropower Station
    (2nd International Conference of the IEEE Nigeria Computer Chapter, NigeriaComputConf, 2019) Ogunbiyi, O., Thomas, C. T., Olufeagba, B. J., Madugu, I. S., Adebiyi, B. H., & Adesina, L. M.
    The optimal power generation from the Jebba hydroelectric power station is subject to the reservoir operating head, weather-related factors, units’ availability and system dynamics. In this paper, a computer control system is designed to ensure safe operation and maximize power generation. The controller is an optimal controller, which determines the amount of inflow required to regulate the reservoir operating head. The control law is an optimal control procedure developed around the steepest descent and conjugate gradient algorithm. The algorithms determine the control signal and state trajectories for the minimization of a performance index defined for the regulation of the reservoir operating head. The results show that the two techniques are feasible in estimating an optimal inflow needed to move the reservoir operating head from any level to the nominal head. The two techniques were compared under different operating conditions of the hydropower system, the conjugate gradient algorithm performs better in terms of computational time. The control algorithm is recommended for use in the realization of a computer control system for the station.
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    Genetic Algorithm Based Routing Algorithm for Packet Switching Network
    (International Journal Of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS), 2014) Ogunbiyi, O., & Ahmed, W. A.
    The distributed nature of routers in a packet switching network (PSN) and the need for them to send packet to one another following an optimal path make routing algorithm a necessity. In this paper, genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to solve routing problem in a PSN. Computer simulation showed that GA approach obtain a result similar to Dijkstra’s algorithm (used in routing information protocol (RIP)) but with some improvement. The GA technique finds the optimal path between any source and destination nodes in a network. The network may be simple or complex, such that a feasible path or optimal path seems intractable. The developed technique was able to determine an entire route right from the source node, quick adaptation to changes in the network. It can also handle a numerous number of different constraints in the network. The binary coding used will also make it easier to implement in hardware.
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    Assessment of Failure and Repair Behaviours of the Jebba Hydroelectric Power Station
    (ELEKTRIKA- Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2018) Thomas, C. T., Ogunbiyi, O., Akorede, M. F., & Olufeagba, J. B.
    Nigeria power generation is circa 4000 MW as at October 2016, this is far less than the national required value. Jebba Hydroelectric Power Station (JHEPS) is one of the three major hydropower stations in the country which its maximum average generation value is still less than the rated value of 578.4 MW. This paper presented some basic concepts of analysis of failure and repair. An algorithm was set up to extract the contiguous set of up-times and down-times to determine time-tofail (TTF) and time-to-repair (TTR) events, these events were analyzed for stochastic study. It was observed that the longest up time was 262 days and seen in turbo-alternator unit five, while the shortest was zero day and seen in the entire units except that of unit two. The longest downtime was 133 days and seen in the turbo-alternator of unit one, the least time-to-repair is a day and common to all the units. The frequency distributions for both TTF and TTR showed that 79% of TTF events and 57% of TTR events are distributed in the first 2 classes
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    Evaluation of Failure and Repair of the Jebba and the Shiroro Hydroelectric Power Stations
    (Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 2019) Thomas C. T. , Ogunbiyi . O., Akorede M. F., Yahaya . B., Alabi . K. O., Olufeagba B. J.
    Nigeria power generation hovers around 7000 MW as at January 2019; this is far less than the national required electricity per capita value. Jebba Hydroelectric Power Station (JHEPS) and Shiroro Hydroelectric Power Station (SHEPS) are two of the three major hydropower stations in the country in which their maximum average generation values are still less than the rated values of 578.4 MW and 600 MW, respectively. This paper presented some basic concepts of analysis of failure and repair. An algorithm was set up to extract the contiguous set of uptimes and downtimes to determine timebetween-failures (TBF) and time-between-repairs (TBR) events; these events were analyzed for the stochastic study. It was observed that the longest uptime was 262 days and seen in turbo-alternator unit five, while the shortest was zero day and seen in the entire units except that of unit two. For JHEPS, the longest downtime was 133 days and seen in the turbo-alternator of unit one, and the least time-between-repairs is a day and common to all the units. The frequency distributions for both TBF and TBR showed that 79% of TBF events and 57% of TBR events are distributed in the first two classes. For SHEPS, unit 3 was found to have the longest TBF with a value of 46 days, while the least was found in unit 1 with a value of 17 days