Development and Testing of Q-Basic Computer Software for Newton-Raphson Power Flow Studies

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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE)
There had been obvious system insecurity in Nigerian power systems’ grid which often lead to frequent power system collapse. Studies have shown that the Privatized power companies that emanated as a result of power sector reform carried out recently in Nigeria are not fully on ground in network argumentation, planning and analysis of the network. For example, it is required that for any proposed capital project execution which would add to the existing Networks; certain analysis via system simulation need to be carried out. Such analysis would display the likely situation after the project is completed and commissioned. These analyses include investigating the bus voltage profile, power flow, losses, overvoltage condition etc. Consequently, this paper presents a development of Q-basic computer software package on Newton- Raphson power flow algorithm and subsequent testing on a 3 - Bus power system network with known solutions. Steady state operating conditions of busbars, generation, branch power flows and circuit system losses were determined. The obtained results are presented and discussed. These results are accurate and reliable, because they agree with the known solutions of the network. Conclusions are drawn, and necessary recommendations are presented.