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Development of Smart Water Level Controller using SMS Module
(Faculty of Engineering, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, 2022-12-06) Lambe Mutalub ADESINA; OREOLUWA MARY ADEGBOYE; OLALEKAN OGUNBIYI
Water is considered a valuable resource and covers about 70% of the earth's surface. Tight schedule prevents regular checking of the domestic water tank level while refilling the used ones. This often leads to waste of water and increased monthly revenue payment to power utility company. Consequently, this paper presents a development of water level controller with SMS capability aimed at measuring water level smartly such that when tank is filled, message would be automatically transmitted as an alert to the owner using GSM for immediate response. The method involves interconnection of a water container that serves as tank with another open container serving as Borehole and a microcontroller-based device with its integrated development to generate a communication message. A flowchart that shows the procedural steps involved was developed. On completion of the prototype, components and subcircuits effectiveness as well as experimental testing of the system effective operation were carried out. Some anticipated water levels (AWL) were selected at interval of 2 centimeters (cm) starting from 3cm and the corresponding Message Operating water level (MOWL) were obtained with error deviations not greater than 0.17cm. Thus, the average AWL, average MOWL and the error deviation are 11cm, 10.7cm and 0.1cm. The prototype device thus operated effectively.
Determination of Power System Losses in Nigerian Electricity Distribution Networks
(IJET Publications UK, 2016-09-01) Adesina, L. M.; Ademola Abdulkareem
Nigerian Electric Power Utilities face epileptic power supply due to poor generation level. The available power is characterised with high losses of Aggregate Technical and Commercial (ATC) or Total network losses. These losses have serious effects on the quality of power delivered to customers and adverse effect in meeting the expected revenue targets. Technical losses are caused by network impedance due to current flowing in the network and auxiliary supplies. Whereas non-technical losses are caused by several factors which include, energy theft, unbilled accounts, non-payment of customers, estimated customer accounts etc. This paper presents analysis of some selected power system network for estimation of total network or ATC losses and determination of network technical losses (TL) using power flow analysis. From the results of ATC losses and TL calculations, a total network non-technical
loss (NTL) is determined.
A Direct Optimal Control of the Jebba Hydropower Station
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), 2019-09-01) Olalekan Ogunbiyi; Cornelius T. Thomas; Benjamin J. Olufeagba; Ibrahim S. Madugu; Busayo H. Adebiyi; Lambe M. Adesina
The optimal power generation from the Jebba hydroelectric power station is subject to the reservoir operating head, weather-related factors, units’ availability and system dynamics. In this paper, a computer control system is designed to ensure safe operation and maximize power generation. The controller is an optimal controller, which determines the amount of inflow required to regulate the reservoir operating head. The control law is an optimal control procedure developed around the steepest descent and conjugate gradient algorithm. The algorithms determine the control signal and state trajectories for minimization of a performance index defined for the regulation of the reservoir operating head. The results show that the two techniques are feasible in estimating an optimal inflow needed to move the reservoir operating head from any level to the nominal head. The two techniques were compared under different operating conditions of the hydropower system, the conjugate gradient algorithm performs better in terms of computational time. The control algorithm is recommended for use in the realization of a computer control system for the station.
Development and Testing of Q-Basic Computer Software for Newton-Raphson Power Flow Studies
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), 2019-09-01) Lambe Mutalub Adesina; James Katende; Ganiyu Adedayo Ajenikoko
There had been obvious system insecurity in Nigerian power systems’ grid which often lead to frequent power system collapse. Studies have shown that the Privatized power companies that emanated as a result of power sector reform carried out recently in Nigeria are not fully on ground in network argumentation, planning and analysis of the network. For example, it is required that for any proposed capital project execution which would add to the existing Networks; certain analysis via system simulation need to be carried out. Such analysis would display the likely situation after the project is completed and commissioned. These analyses include investigating the bus voltage profile, power flow, losses, overvoltage condition etc. Consequently, this paper presents a development of Q-basic computer software package on Newton- Raphson power flow algorithm and subsequent testing on a 3 - Bus power system network with known solutions. Steady state operating conditions of busbars, generation, branch power flows and circuit system losses were determined. The obtained results are presented and discussed. These results are accurate and reliable, because they agree with the known solutions of the network. Conclusions are drawn, and necessary recommendations are presented.
Transformer Parameters Monitoring for Distribution Network Operation
(University of Calabar Press & Greenlab International Scientific (GIS), 2019-09-01) L. M Adesina; O. Ogunbiyi
Distribution transformers (DT) are the most important and costly components among the equipment required in distribution transformer substations. For the stability of electricity supply, more attention is deserved on monitoring of DT operational parameters such as frequency, active power, reactive power, power factor, etc. Distribution transformers are often failed probably as a result of cellulose deterioration, overloading, poor insulation, poor dielectric strength of the oil, old age etc. Experience shows that utility companies in Nigeria are insensitive to the monitoring of these DT's operational parameters which results in sudden breakdown or persistence outages of the feeder. The utility company may be affected with an approximate reduction in monthly revenue collection compared to previous ones. Thus, it becomes necessary to carry out DT operational parameters’ monitoring for all transformers in the circuit. Planning engineers might have several methods of solving this problem and the approach varies from one country to the others due to variation in operational styles. However, this paper presents a case study of 300kVA, 11/0.415kV Transformer for Parameters monitoring in Distribution Network Operation using Power Quality and Energy Analyzer (PQEA) equipment (Fluke 435 Series II). The pre-set network operational parameters recorded or measured were downloaded via personal computer after the experiments. The experimental results and their graphical analyses by excel application are presented. Recommendations for the utility’s operations and maintenance engineers on the field for compliance are presented. The results obtained show that this approach is a reliable way of monitoring DT parameters for the operational planning of distribution networks.