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Recent Submissions
Mainstreaming Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ESCRs) in National Integration Equation: Legal Options and Limits
(Annual Confrence of Nigerian Association of Law Teachers (NALT), 2023) Olariyike Damola Akintoye, Ph.D
(2024) Yunusa Kayode, SAADU (Ph.D), Bibire Abdulkareem Hussein (Ph.D), Abubakar Muhammed Sanni (Ph.D), & Rakiyya Maiwada Abubakar (Ph.D)
Creativity among students in the classroom remains an important variable and a constantly
discussed topic especially among educators. In spite of the importance of creativity in the
classroom, studies had revealed that it has received a very little attention from the teachers.
This study, therefore, sought to assess teachers’ awareness of creativity-related behaviour
among upper basic students in Ilorin Metropolis in Kwara State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey
research was adopted for the study. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select
twenty (20) public and 20 private schools while purposive sampling technique was used to
select five science teachers across the forty (40) schools selected in the State bringing the total
number of the teachers to two hundred (200). Awareness of creativity-related behaviour
assessment scale by Nicolas Holt Creativity Test (NHCT) was adapted to measure teachers’
awareness of creativity-related behaviour among upper basic schools in Ilorin South, Kwara
State. The instrument contains 29 items rated on 4-Likert scale such as strongly agree = 4, agree
= 3, Disagree = 2 and strongly disagree =1. The instrument was validated by two experts in the
Department of Social Science Education, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. Reliability
coefficient of the instrument was found to be .72 using test re-test reliability technique on
students outside of the respondents involved in the study. In order to analyse the data collected
from the study, frequency counts and percentage was used to answer the raised research
questions while t-test statistical method was used to analyse the formulated null hypotheses.
The findings of the study revealed that teachers in Ilorin Metropolis have high awareness of
the creativity related behaviour among upper basic school students with 59%, there is
significant difference in the male and female teachers’ awareness of creativity related behavior
and there is significant difference in the less experienced and experienced teachers’ awareness
of creativity related behaviour among upper basic school students. In conclusion, based on the
findings the researcher recommended that continued efforts should be made by the school to
organize workshops, seminars and training for secondary school teachers irrespective of the
gender to equip them with the needed skills on how to identify early and nurture creative ability
of the students.
Influence of Tillage Systems on Diversity and Abundance of Insect and Nematode Pests of Maize in Malete, Kwara State, Nigeria
(Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research, 2018-10-30) I. A. Aderolu; O. O. Lawal; A. A. Wahab; K. O. Alabi; O. S. Osunlola; M. M. Giwa
Corresponding author: Email:;
Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research
7(4): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJAAR.44308
ISSN: 2456-8864
Influence of Tillage Systems on Diversity and
Abundance of Insect and Nematode Pests of Maize
in Malete, Kwara State, Nigeria
I. A. Aderolu1*, O. O. Lawal1
, A. A. Wahab1
, K. O. Alabi1
, O. S. Osunlola1†
and M. M. Giwa1
Department of Crop Production, Kwara State University, P.M.B. 1530, Malete, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author IAA is a Crop Protectionist
(Entomologist) who designed the study, performed the statistical analysis, managed the literature
searches, wrote the protocol, and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Author OOL is a Geneticist
who suggested and aided in the procurement of the ten quality protein maize varieties (QPMVs) from
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). Author AAW is a Soil physicist who suggested the
tillage practices used in the experiment. Author KOA is a Soil Paedologist, provided the map of the
study area. Author OSO was a Nematologist who provided the expertise for collection of nematode
data. Author MMG aided in the collection of data and data analysis, managed the analyses of the
study, managed the literature searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/AJAAR/2018/44308
(1) Dr. Eduardo Osorio Hernandez, Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, Autonomous University of Tamaulipas,
Tamaulipas, Mexico.
(1) R. K. Mathukia, Junagadh Agricultural University, India.
(2) Mahmoud M. A. Youssef, Egypt.
Complete Peer review History:
Received 16 August 2018
Accepted 25 October 2018
Published 31 October 2018
Pests are major biotic factors causing up to 45% yield reduction in maize production. There is
limited information on pests affecting maize in Malete, Kwara State, Nigeria. The types of insects
and nematodes associated with ten quality protein maize varieties (QPMVs) were evaluated for
pests’ occurrence, abundance and diversity on ‘plough only plots (POP)’ and ‘plough and harrow
plots (PAHP)’ as primary and secondary tillage, respectively.
The experiment was carried out using QPMVs at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Kwara
State University, Malete and arranged in a randomised complete block design with 11 treatments
Original Research Article
Aderolu et al.; AJAAR, 7(4): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJAAR.44308
replicated 3 times, including local check “pambo”. Data were collected on insect and nematode
populations and yield parameters and analysed using ANOVA with descriptive statistics and
standard diversity indices at P≤0.05.
A total of 833.1±4.0 and 799.3±3.4 arthropod individuals from POP and PAHP tillage practices,
respectively comprising 8 orders and 18 families. Ootheca mutabilis was the most abundant
species, with 5.47% (POP) and 5.68% (PAHP) and the least was Rhopalosiphum maidis 1.82%
(POP) and 1.80% (PAHP). As indicated by Shannon-Wiener (3.46±0.023) and Simpson indices
(0.97±0.0008), there was even distribution in the tillage practices. Three genera of plant parasitic
nematodes (PPNs) namely: Meloidogyne spp. [(POP (78.33±19.65), PAHP (1.33±0.33)],
Pratylenchus spp. [(POP (41.67±9.26), PAHP (5.00±2.31)], and Helicotylenchus spp. [(POP
(58.33±38.35), PAHP (23.33±14.50)] were identified. The yield parameters and a number of the
whole plant infested were significantly higher in the PAHP than the POP.
The use of secondary tillage practice is effective in reducing insects and nematodes associated
with ten quality protein maize varieties and, therefore, recommended for the management of these
pests in maize production.
(Acaref Della, Togo, 2022) Akunna Pauline NNABUIKE
Calixthe Beyala's style is at the origin of the problem and misunderstanding of his novels, especially
C'est le soleil qui m'a brûlée which is the subject of this study. It goes without saying that an
author's style is actualized through his language, and language thus informs style. In this study, which
uses stylistic theory, we examine Calixthe Beyala's own way of writing in C'est le soleil qui m'a
brûlée. To this end, we analyze style of storytelling, description, focus, communicative exchanges,
epistolary, analepsis and prolepsis. African writers seem to have as much taste for the theme as for the
aesthetic, as such, it is often difficult to dissociate the critical study from content and form. The aesthetics
of beyalanne writing is marked by a more personal composition and overcoming of grammatical, narrative
and structural conventions. The language then benefits from a particular effort of innovation and
Impact of Dumpsites on the Quality of Soil and Groundwater in Satellite Towns of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria
(EHP PUBLISHING, 2017-06-01) Sawyerr, Henry Olawale; Adeolu, Adedotun Timothy; Afolabi, Abiodun Segun; Salami, Olalekan Oluwatoyosi; Badmos, Biola Kazeem
Background: Urbanization, industrialization and changes in consumption patterns have compounded the problem of solid waste management in Nigeria. Poor waste management threatens the well-being and health of the local population, particularly those living adjacent to dumpsites.
Objectives. An assessment of the impact of dumpsites in a satellite town of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria was carried out to determine the level of biophysical/chemical parameters (pH, temperature, conductivity, nutrients (calcium and magnesium), heavy metals (lead, chromium, zinc), and microbial burden) on the quality of soil and groundwater and their impact on health and the environment.
Methods. Soil and ground water samples were collected in four different dumpsites (Bwari, Gwagwalada, Kuje and Azhatta) with reference samples taken from the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, and taken to the laboratory for biophysical/chemical analysis using standard methods.
Results. The results were compared with the national and World Health Organization (WHO) standard limits for soil and water respectively. Except for zinc, the average concentrations for heavy metals in the soil samples were higher in all four dumpsites than the permissible levels. Soil and water parameters that exceed the standard limits pose significant health and environment risks to nearby residents.
Conclusions. There is a need for raising the awareness of residents living close to dumpsites and those who use the well or nearby streams for domestic activities on the need to carry out adequate water treatment prior to its use.