Scholarly Publication


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    Assessment of information literacy competency among postgraduate students of library and information science, Kwara State University, Malete
    (Faculty of Arts and Science Education., 2024-09-10) Atanda Saliu Sambo; Akanbi, Mohammed Lawal
    This study evaluated the assessment of information literacy competency among postgraduate students of Kwara State University Malate. The objectives of the study are to; ascertain the ability to locate information resources, determine the student’s ability to identify the most relevant information resources, and examine students' abilities to evaluate the information resources they need. The study used a descriptive survey approach. The population consisted of all 40 postgraduate students of library and information science and computer science students at Kwara State University, Malete during the academic year 2023–2024. Due to the study's manageable population, total enumerative sampling techniques were employed. The findings revealed that the best places to look for a journal article are the index, abstract, and catalogues. The study also found that the call number is the most relevant content to consult among others. The findings also showed that the best way to find a book on the shelf is to use the library's catalogue, book index, and abstract. Therefore, the study concluded that the information resources of the library are fully utilised by postgraduate students. It was recommended among others that university management should always struggle to withstand and possibly improve upon existing training platforms to ensure that postgraduate students remain relevant and up-to-date in an everchanging and dynamic information society.
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    Assessment of library and information science undergraduate students’ satisfaction with library collection in Kwara State University, Malete.
    (2024-10-02) Atanda Saliu Sambo
    This study looked into how Kwara State University Malete undergraduate library and information science students were evaluated. The objectives of the study are to identify the type of resource available; determine the frequency of use library collection, purpose of using and identify areas that need improvement in Kwara State University Library. The study adopted descriptive survey design where questionnaire, was used to collect data. Purposive sampling technique was adopted in selecting the students used for the study, and data collected was subjected to comprehensive data analysis using IBM-Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) software. The study revealed that the library resources available to students are textbooks, newspapers, e-book, e-journals, online reference materials, digital repositories and databases. The study revealed that students used the library very often and often whereas majority of the respondents strongly agree on the purpose of using the library collection which include, wide range of academic resources, free access to books/ materials, quiet and conducive environment, discover new interest, expand knowledge and access to internet for research. The study concluded that there is need for improvement in the services provided by the library because users will always be encouraged to make use of the library where the quality of services rendered will help them satisfy their need. The study recommended that library management should sustain the high level of user satisfaction by improving on current and relevant information resources, modern facilities and befitting services that would meet the needs and expectations of users among others.
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    Challenges of Utilizing Library Resources by Students in College of Education, Agbor
    (2018-10-04) Okonoko Vera N; Sambo, Atanda Saliu; Brume-Ezewu G. Ejiro
    This study examine the challenges of utilizing college library resources by the students in college of education, Agbor. In carrying out this study four research questions were posed. The study sample population comprised 1,325 (2016/2017) registered users of the library. The instrument used for data collection in this study was questionnaire. Research questions were answered using frequency count and percentages. Findings reveals that 68% were female while 32% were male. Textbooks topped the highest consulted materials 99%; follows by theses/ dissertations 92%, journals 73% and reference materials 68%, computers 67%, newspapers/magazines 52% among others. Major challenges encountered were lack of internet facility, insufficient professional librarians, inadequate funding, lack of photocopying services, inadequate relevant materials, inadequate functional ICT facilities, lack of user’s education, unconducive state of the library, lack of awareness of the library resources, poor state of library collections and poor reading environment. Recommendations were made such as administration must sure that the least require for academic libraries should be adhered to; Management should provide funds and committee should be enact to oversee the uses of the funds for the major purpose, more professional librarians should be employ for effective and efficiency service delivery, authority should provide photocopying machine within the library environment to facilitate effective service delivery, Internet should be provided among others.
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    Challenges and Strategies to the Use of Institutional Repository among Academics Staff in Universities Libraries in South-West, Nigeria
    (2022-09-04) Sambo, Atanda Saliu; Okonoko Vera Ngozi; Akanbi Mohammed Lawal
    The purpose of this study is to identify the major challenges and strategies to using institutional repositories (IRs) among academic staff in university libraries in South-West Nigeria. A descriptive survey was employed in the study. The research population consist of 420 academic staff from six federal universities. A questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. The questionnaire was designed based on the objectives of the study. The results indicate that the major challenges to using IRs include poor ICT skills, unwillingness to deposit research materials, epileptic power supply, absence of IRs policy hindering the submission of content to the IRs, fear of copyrights infringement, financial constraints, lack of awareness of publishers policy as regards depositing published works in IR, fear of plagiarism, and low bandwidth. The results further revealed strategies to surmount the factors facing the IRs in universities are alternative power supply should be provided, management should endeavour to increase Internet bandwidth to enhance the effective utilization of the IRs, having an IRs policy will encourage the acquisition of content, availability of plagiarism software, specifying copyright and intellectual property right in respect of IRs content, creating more awareness of the importance and content of the IRs among others.
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    Inhibiting Factors of Acquisition of Library Materials and Services Provision to Users in Special Libraries
    (Ghana Library Journal, 2022-03-29) Mohammed Lawal Akanbi; Atanda Saliu Sambo
    The study investigated the inhibiting factors of the acquisition of library materials and services provided to users in special libraries. In carrying out this study three research questions were posed. A social survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised librarians and para-professional staff working in the special libraries. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze data using frequency counts, tables and percentages. The findings showed that the libraries face diverse problems in the acquisition of library materials. These include lack of acquisition policy, inadequate funds, high cost of foreign materials, poor quality of locally published materials, poor communication services, poor bibliographic control and poor management of funds. It also revealed that several factors were found to be militating against the effective provision of library service delivery to users in the selected special libraries. These include lack of Information and Communication Technology tools and compliance, inadequate funding, poor infrastructure and inadequate human resources.