Communication and Language: A stylistic study Advertisement as imperative skills for mass communication students

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Department of Mass Communication, University of Mkar, Benue State, Nigeria.
Communication and language are intricately intertwined and, thus, represent the two face of a coin. Language is a symbolic system that is being used to communicate shared meaning between a sender and a receiver of a message in a context. Communication cannot exist without language, even though language purpose is communication, not on its own; this makes language proficiency a prerequisite for communication competence. Therefore, language is not a mere tool of communication but an influential device to communicate and persuade the receiving audience. Persuasion occurs only when language is well apprehended and some of its axes are played on. In this article, we argue for the importance of language proficiency for mass communication students whose jobs rely wholly on writing using language to get their work done effectively. Coming from communicative competence background, we exhibit the imperativeness of language to communication through method of stylistic analysis of some selected newspaper advertisements using rhetoric and linguistic devices to demonstrate language influence on communication; also the language devices used are identified. Finally, we discussed some competence areas that formed our proposed theoretical framework as variables to investigate communicative competence in journalism and mass communication.
4. Babatunde, K.A. & Shaibu, A.J. (2020). Communication and Language: A stylistic study of advertisement as imperative skills for mass communication students. Mkar Journal of Media and Culture. 5 (1). Published by the Department of Mass Communication, University of Mkar, Benue State, Nigeria