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- ItemImplementing the Islamic Paradigm for Religious Tolerance for Peaceful CoNexistence in Nigeria:The Example of Jamacatul Nasrul Islam of Nigeria(JNI)(2014-10) Sulaiman Sheu AduaTolerance and forgiveness are qualities which ensure success and prosperity in this world as well as in the hereafter. It should be remembered that forgiveness carries value when one is in a position to take revenge and it behaves only that person to forgive who possesses the necessary power. Islam teaches tolerance in whatever we do and if we encounter a problem or difficulty in life, we should not give up but continue struggling with prayer to God for the success of our objectives. Methodology relied solely on biographic appraisal of such studies that are related to this study. The paper look at Jama'atul Nasril Islam in this regard by way of examining how the organization exhibited tolerance and created avenue for peaceful con-existence among Muslims and Non-Muslims alike in all areas of its jurisdiction. The paper concludes by making few recommendations to Muslim and Non-Muslim Organizations in Nigeria to emulate the Jama'atul Nasril Islam style of operation for peaceful and harmonious con-existence in Nigeria.
- ItemRELIGIOUS STUDIES: A TOOL FOR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT(2012-07) Sulaiman Sheu ADUAThe word “religion” probably derives from the Latin root religio: Meaning to blind together, to bind fast, or fasten up that, which might otherwise fall apart. It was used sparingly in antiquity in several forms but its meaning in contemporary critical usage derives from the Enlightenment.Hence, the word “religion” is a translation of the Latin religio and is related to another word religio, which carries the meaning of chaining, or fastening or holding back. Thus religion binds people together. An acceptable definition has been framed over the years but with one deficiency or the other.A survey of existing definition reveals many interpretations. The Encyclopedia of philosophy defines “religion as the belief in an ever living God that is, in a Divine mind and Will ruling the Universe and holding moral relations with mankind” (Martinean 1967). Religion is the recognition that all things are manifestations of a power transcends our knowledge (Sponcer 1964). “Religion is rather an attempt to experience the complete reality of goodness through every aspect of our being” (Bradley 1967). “A man’s religion is the expression of his ultimate attitude to the universe, the summed- up meaning and purport of his consciousness of things.” (Caird 1967). “Religion is ethics heightened, enkindled, lit up by feeling” (Arnold 1965) worthy that most of these definitions stress one aspect or another of religion to the exclusion of others. Thus, Martinean and Spencer represent religion as some sort of beliefs or other cognitive state. Bradley and Arnold express it as a kind of moral attitude and activity and while Taggart and Tickle (1965:9) sees it as a certain kind of feeling. In a nutshell, Encyclopedia Britannica defines religions as “a particular system or a set of system in which doctrine, rituals, sentiments and other similar elements are inter connected” (Henry 1992:509). In its general and comprehensive connotation, however, the word religion depicts man‟s relation to that which he regards as holy, whether the holy being is super natural or even personal to the individual concerned.To the vast majority of Nigerians, however the term religion is always associated with the existence of a deity who assumes different names or nomenclatures in different parts of the country and among different groups and communities (Balogun 1978:50). For purpose of this paper, therefore religion is the system by which man recognizes the existence of a super human controller of the universe, the recognition God as an object of worship, love and obedience, which ultimately leads to practical piety and morality.
- ItemINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH (IJAMR)(2020) sulaiman sheu aduaIndexing and Abstracting INDEXED AND ABSTRACTED The International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary (IJAMR) e-ISSN : 2393-8870 is indexed and abstracted in the following Databases.
- ItemAFRICA AND AFRICANS IN THE HISTORY OF ISLAM(2012-05) Adua, Sulaiman SheuThe contact of Islam with Africa and Africans could not be considered a matter of recent development. The continent had been in existence ver before the time of the Prophet, while Islam had been known to the time long as early as the prophet was called to the prophet hood. This paper examines the roles played by the Africans towards the development of Islam as far back as the time of the Prophet, as well as the efforts made by them to spread the religion and its tenets. Also it looks at the honour accorded the continent in Islam and in the Prophet’s treatment of the Africans during his timer. This gives an impression that Islam is not a new religion in Africa and to Africans.
- ItemHISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ISLAMIC BANKING IN NIGERIA(2018-11) Sulaiman Sheu AduaIslamic Banking in Nigeria got approval from the Central Bank in 2011, after several years of attempts by different groups and organizations. A frame work released in the same year spell out guidelines for the establishment, operations, shari’ah governance and supervision of Islamic banks which can be standalone full-fledged institutions, subsidiaries or widows in this paper and attempts is made to discuss “Islamic Banking as a viable alternative to Conventional Banking in Nigeria. Methodology relied on biography appraisal of such studies that ate related to the study. The paper begin with a short background of Islamic Banking in Nigeria and follows with the basis for the introduction of Central Bank of Nigeria and Non interest financial institutions, Central Bank of Nigeria model, different between Islamic banking, challenges and prospect of Islamic banking and ends with suggestion that there should be a sharia supervisory board for any Islamic bank and that board should consists of trust worthy scholars who are highly qualified to issue fatawa on financial transactions.