Socio-Demographic Disparities and Aggressive Behaviour of Secondary School Students in North-West, Nigeria
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This study investigated socio-demographic disparities and aggressive behaviour of
secondary school students in North-West, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was
adopted. Stratified sampling technique was used to select 12 secondary schools in the
region. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 400 students from the
selected schools. An adapted instrument on Aggressive Behaviour was used for data
collection. Face and content validity of the instrument was established by experts; and its
test re-test reliability coefficient yielded 0.72. Results of this study showed a high level of
aggressive behaviour among students in North-West, Nigeria. It was also revealed that
the most common patterns of aggressive behaviour among secondary school students in
North-West, Nigeria were hostility and physical aggressive behaviours. There is a
significant difference in students’ aggressive behaviour based on gender, parents’ socio economic status, parents’ educational background and school type. Recommendations
were made based on the findings that parents and teachers should inculcate good
behavioural patterns such as tolerance, perseverance, and emotional control in students
regardless of their socio-demographic disparities through behaviour modification
techniques in order to reduce their aggressive beahiour, also periodic orientation should
be given to students irrespective of their socio-demographic disparities by the school
authority on emotional management this will eliminate or reduce students’ aggressive