New Public Management and Performance of Selected Public Enterprises in Kwara State, Nigeria
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The advent of New Public Management (NPM) has sparked global interest as a transformative framework for
enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of public sector entities. This study examined into the dynamics of NPM
and its implications on the performance of selected public enterprises in Kwara State, Nigeria. Adopting a
quantitative research design, the study employs a stratified sampling technique to select Kwara State Water
Corporation and Kwara TV out of Public Enterprises in Kwara State. The study population is made up of the 242
staff of Kwara State Water Corporation and Kwara TV, from which a sample size of 149 was selected
proportionately. Data collection involves the administration of a structured questionnaire, combining primary
data from respondents and secondary data from relevant literature. Key Informant Interview was also conducted
for selected senior officials of the establishment. Validity of the data gathered using questionnaire is ensured
through face and content validity, while reliability is determined using Cronbach’s Alpha test. Findings reveals
significant relationships between NPM variables and public accountability haven produced Pearson’s
Correlation coefficients ranging from .518 to .751 which were significant at 0.05 critical level. Regression analysis
further demonstrates the substantial influence of NPM on the survival of public enterprises as evidenced by the
Standardized coefficient value of .623 (0.00<0.05). It was concluded that adoption of NPM would have a
positive influence on accountability and survival of the public enterprises. Among others, it was recommended
that government encourage public-private partnership and strengthen performance measurement systems in
Kwara State Water Corporation Kwara TV and other public enterprises in Kwara State.