Electronic Information Resources Usage and Challenges for Academic Purpose: A Systematic Literature Review 2011-2021
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The study's purpose is to give an up-to-date estimate of global electronic information resource utilization and problems for academic purposes from 2011 to 2021.To investigate global literatures on electronic information resources, the researcher conducted a comprehensive literature study (EIR). This analysis used 31 literatures that met stated basic conditions among 62 empirical studies on EIR published between 2011 and 2021. The results of the investigation were documented and analysed through theme analysis. The findings reveal numerous specific electronic information resources (EIR) tools such as e-books, e-journal, e-newspaper, e-zines, e-thesis, e-clipping, e-patents, e-standards, e-conference proceedings, e-databases, e-technical reports, e-dissertations, CD-ROM, full text database, reference database, statistical database, image collection, indexing and abstracting databases among others. Only empirical study literatures focused on EIR between 2011 and 2021 were used in this article. However, this study did not include any resources that were not electronic