Assessment of the structure, conduct and performance of tomato marketing among retailers in Lagos State, Nigeria

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Abstract The study assessed the structure, conduct and performance of tomato marketing among retailers in Lagos State. Specifically, the study described the socioeconomic characteristics of tomato retailers in the study area, analyzed the structure of tomato retail marketing, examined the conduct of tomato retailing, determined the performance of tomato retailing and identified the constraints facing retailing in Lagos State. A two stage sampling technique was employed in the selection of 100 tomato retailers for the study. Descriptive statistics, Gini-Coefficient, marketing margin analysis, marketing efficiency analysis and 3-point Likert-type scale were employed. The study revealed that the retailers operate in a highly concentrated market due to theGini coefficient (GC) of which was given as 0.72. Tomato were majorly sourced from the wholesalers with price being largely determined by thequantity of tomato supplied, marketing information were revealed to be sourced majorly (70%) from other marketers. Furthermore, the marketing margin of 25% revealed that tomato retailing is a profitable enterprise. The marketing efficiency of 1.3 further revealed that that for every naira invested, 1.3 naira is realized. Therefore, tomato retailing in Lagos State is efficient. Inadequate storage facilities, high taxation, high rate of commodity deterioration and high cost of transportation were revealed as the most severe constraints facing tomato retailing in the study area. It is therefore recommended that Lagos state government should channel the taxes generated from the retailers to visible project that will drive the industry grow. Project like construction of storage facilities and purchase of vehicle for transporting tomato, all at a subsidized. Keywords: Tomato, Retailers, Market Structure, Conduct, Performance, Marketing efficiency
Nofiu et al (2021). Assessment of the structure, conduct and performance of tomato marketing among retailers in Lagos State, Nigeria. International Journal of Advanced Research in Multidisciplinary Studies (IJARMS), 1 (1):1-6