Determinants of the Adoption of Quality Protein Maize among Farming Households in Niger State, Nigeria

Abstract The study was conducted to examine the determinants of quality protein maize (QPM) adoption among farming households in Niger State, Nigeria. A twostage random sampling procedure was employed to obtain data from selected 120 maize farming households. Descriptive statistics, logistic and tobit regression models were used for the analysis. Results of the analysis show that the awareness and adoption level of QPM production in the study area were 95% and 87% respectively. Among the determinants of QPM adoption status, the coefficient of age (-0.12734) and primary occupation (-1.38295) of the respondents were negative and significant at 5% level of probability while the tenancy attribute’s coefficient (2.62533) was positively significant at 10%. The level of adoption of QPM was positively and significantly influenced by household size (0.00729) and years of schooling (0.01148) at 10% and 5% level of significant respectively. The study recommends intensification of information dissemination on the adoption of QPM in the study area. Keywords: Determinants; Quality Protein; Maize; Adoption, farming household
Ayinde et al (2017). Determinants of the Adoption of Quality Protein Maize among Farming Households in Niger State, Nigeria. Annals of Science and Technology - A, Vol. 2 (1):8-12