Intangible assets and performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria

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Department of Banking and Finance, Faculty of Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi.
This paper examines the impact of intangible assets on the performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria. Correlated research design was adopted in the study and data for the study were secondary in nature and obtained from Nigerian stock exchange fact book and the annual reports and accounts of the selected DMBs for the period of ten years from 2001 to 2010. Multiple regression analysis was used as a technique of data analysis. The findings from this study revealed that intangible assets have strong negative association with the performance of the banks. The study concluded that there is a negative relationship between intangible assets and performance of DMBs in Nigeria during the period under study. Consequently, the study recommends that DMBs in Nigeria should change their culture of expensing amounts incurred in intangible assets. Also, capitalising and reporting intangible assets in financial reports of DMBs in Nigeria need guidelines and procedures. Finally, investors are the owners of the DMBs in Nigeria and should therefore insist on the adoption of any change that can enhance the quality of DMBs financial reporting.
The article established the relationship between value of intangible assets on profitability of deposit money banks
Dogara, I.A. and Lawal, T. (2015): Intangible assets and performance of deposit money banks In Nigeria. NSUK Journal of Banking and Finance Research, 2 (2): 15-26