Analysis of International Trade Performance of Nigerian Fisheries

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ABSTRACT This study analysed the international trade performance of Nigerian fish market with the aim of examining Nigeria’s trend of trade specialization and levels of market share at global fish market. The study utilized secondary data within 1976-2015, emanating from the Food and Agriculture Organisation Statistics (FAOSTAT) and World Bank data. Balassa index, market share index (MSI) and growth models were applied to analyze the data. Results of the study revealed that there was low level of specialization in exportation of Nigerian fisheries and high level of specialisation in importation of foreign fishery resources over the study period. The export market share result indicated that though Nigeria was not competitive at global market, however, price can be an incentive for Nigerian fish export commodities. The import market share indicated possibility of dumping in Nigerian fish importation as the obtained market share indices indicated importation of low value fish commodities. There was acceleration in the growth rate of fish import but deceleration for fish export growth rate. The study suggests allocation of more resources to export section of Nigerian fisheries and introduction of counter dumping policies in import section so as to ensure a balanced trade of Nigerian fisheries. Keywords: International Trade, Performance, Competitiveness, Specialization
Ambali, O.Y. and Ayinde, O. E. (2019),Analysis of International Trade Performance of Nigerian Fisheries. 6th African Conference of Agricultural Economists. 1-15. Published by African Association of Agricultural Economists