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    Challenges in the Enforcement of Cybercrimes Law in Nigeria: Yahoo Plus as Case Study
    (Kogi State University Journal of Public Law, 2022-07-12) Shuaib Oniye and Abiodun Amuda Kannike (SAN)
    Information technology has made the world a global village and has enhanced every sector of the society. The innovation in computer, information communication and internet, cuts across every sectors in Nigeria because our society is becoming an information society where communication takes place in cyberspace. Thus, the society is threatened by the growing tread of cybercrime which has created avenue for miscreants to engage in cyber criminality against cyber citizens, and in order to curb the menace of cybercrime, the Nigeria government enacted Cybercrimes (Prohibition & Prevention) Act 2015 with aim to provide an effective, unified, and comprehensive legal,regulatory & institutional framework for prohibition, prevention, detection, prosecution and punishment of cybercrimes offenders in Nigeria. However, despite this, in the list of the many sustainability challenges facing Nigeria as a country today, internet fraud comfortably enjoys a top position, because internet fraudsters have attained a higher dimensions known as yahoo plus, connote using spiritual power to defraud unaware cyber citizens. To this end, this paper,while adopting analytical research methodology, examines the challenges in the enforcement of cybercrime law in Nigeria using Yahoo plus practitioners as a case study.
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    Plea Bargaining under Administration of Criminal Justice Act: How Best in Fighting Financial Crimes in Nigeria
    (Kogi State University Journal of Public Law, 2022-08-12) Shuaib Oniye
    This paper considered the negative effect of lack of facilities for speedy judicial functions, long adjournment of cases and technicalities on the administration of criminal justice in Nigeria which has necessitated the adoption of plea bargaining as a legal concept in the administration of criminal justice. It also considered the need to improve effectiveness and efficiency in our judicial system with a view to quickening the administration of criminal justice through the enactment of new statutes and establishment of law enforcement agencies. It adopted the doctrinal method of legal research whereby primary, secondary and tertiary materials were gathered and analysed. It was observed that plea bargaining has become a global legal concept used by advanced jurisdiction to fight corruption,economic and financial crimes, money laundering and other fraudulent transactions. It was concluded that the adoption and practice of plea bargaining in Nigeria will aid quick dispensation of criminal justice despite some criticisms of the concept, inter alia, that it would work against public interests and encourage Treasury looters to perfect their trade. It was recommended that before plea bargaining agreements are entered between the prosecution and the defendant, the defendant must be prepared to return all the proceeds of his criminal act. It was further recommended that special courts be established to handle corruption cases as the regular courts are highly congested.
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    (Department of International Law Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria, 2020-01-03) Shuaib Oniye
    The most pressing concerns facing current generation across the universe is the geometric rise in the incidence and notoriety of terrorism and terrorist activities. This has culminated into the emergence of International human rights standards owing to the obligation to control the violent and extreme behaviour. It is not gainsaid that Nigeria, as a sovereign State, has also launched a campaign against terrorism. While the response of Nigeria to combat terrorism has been applauded; the incessant human rights violation by the security personnel championing the fight against terrorism remains problematic. To this end, this paper analyses international legal instrument on terrorism, protection against violation of human rights while fighting terrorist and what the Nigeria stand to benefit from it. The paper posits that there are adequate provisions to curb the spread of terrorism in the various international legal instruments and domestic legislations on the issue, but lack of political will on the part of government remains the ultimate challenge. The paper recommends enforcement paradigm of the existing legal framework on terrorism and human right protection in Nigeria.
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    Principles of World Trade Organisation and Human Right Violations
    (A Publication of Bola Ajibola College of Law,Crescent University, Abeokuta, Ogun State,Nigeria, 2021-08-12) Shuaib Oniye and Abdulfatai Abdulkareem
    The World Trade Organisation (WTO) is an international organisation that establishes rules for international trade through consensus among its member states. It is a brainchild of the GATT, which was concluded after Second World War, same time the Universal Declaration of Human Right (UDHR) was passed. Despite the role of WTO in the observation of human rights principles enshrined in the UDHR, it has been widely criticised by some international communities for violation of human rights principles subscribed to by the signatory countries. This paper adopts a systematic review of WTO principles and their specific contradictions and violation of UDHR. Against the foregoing backdrop, the paper seeks to do a critique of the applicability of principles of WTO such as non-discrimination,national treatment,anti-subsidy, anti-dumping, and welfare among individuals in developing and least developed countries visa a viz its violation of human rights of the people and citizen rights in those countries. The paper reveals that there are serious and continuous violation of human rights of developing states by those who anchor the establishment of WTO thereby causing threat to the life,property,and economy of the least developed countries. The paper recommends complete overhauling of the process leading to the formation of the WTO with a true and sincere motive on the part of the developed nations and the leadership of the WTO to change their selfish and exploitation tendencies.
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    (University of Ifeo, Ile Ife, 2020-08-11) Shuaib Oniye
    In many countries in the West, same Sex relationship is legally allowed and publicly promoted.Contrariwise, the practice is outlawed in the majority of African nations and in Muslim countries. Attempts of the West to decry the criminalization of the practice in those African and Muslim counties as a human rights violation has failed. The concept of marriage has been historically understood and confined as a legal union between a male and a female, becoming husband and wife. Thus, a union of same-sex couples is precluded. Consequently, the West has adopted the Hate Speech legal tool to categorise anti-same sex speeches as Hate Speech such as speech against homosexuality, lesbianism,bisexuality and gay practice. This paper seeks to criticise the western ideology on proclamation of the religions preachers against same sex marriage as hate speech and Nigeria untouchable stand as an independent state against homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality and gay practice. In 2014, Nigeria enacted the Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act. By This Act,a marriage between same sex couples and matters connected to it became a crime throughout the federation. The prohibition has received applauses within the country from religious, cultural and moral quarters. However, it has been greeted with condemnation from some international communities as violation of human rights principles subscribed to by Nigeria law. Incidentally, Nigeria has also launched a campaign against Hate Speech. Thus, it remains intriguing whether Nigeria has not found itself in a state of dilemma:outlawing same sex relationship and exploring the theory of Hate Crime/Speech Law to curb the menace of Hate Speech. The paper adopts analytical research method ie. to analyse the thread of same sex marriage in the western world and Nigeria stand against same. shows that there are serious and continuous spread of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality and gay practice among the west and their condemnation thereon. This paper suggest that the Nigeria security agencies need to be more vigilant even after the enactment of the law against same sex marriage should in case any person involve in any of the practices, impose maximum punishment to serve as deterrent to others and call for continuous and unrelenting efforts among the religions preachers against such practices.