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    (2022-06) Dr. Abdulrazak Mohammed & Haruna Hassan
    Teacher’s recruitment procedure in Federal Government Colleges involves the utilization of Government policies to influence the number and calibre of teachers employed in the system. This study was undertaken with the general objective to assess Teachers’ Recruitment Procedure and its influence on students; achievement in commerce in Federal Government Girls’ Colleges located in the North-Central part of Nigeria. Four research questions were raised. In addition, two research hypotheses were formulated for the study. A descriptive research design was adopted for the study. The population for the study consisted of 175 commerce students and 77 teachers from all the seven Federal Government Girls Colleges located in North-Central, Nigeria. Data were obtained through colleges. The data collected were analysed by using mean, standard deviation, frequency distribution, percentages, ranking and Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) Statistics. The four null hypotheses were tested at a 0.05 alpha level of significance. These hypotheses were all rejected which indicated a correlation between the tested variables. The findings from this study indicated that students achieve more in commerce where recruited commerce teachers are adequate and have many years of teaching experience. In addition, problem-solving methods are one of the best methods for effective teaching of commerce. Based on the findings, recommendations were made. These include among others, that the Federal Government should adopt the right procedure in the recruitment of teachers by making the exercise highly competitive with aptitude tests to determine who should be recruited. Higher salaries and other incentives in order to stay long on the job and to acquire years of teaching experience capable of enhancing students’ achievement in the subject should adequately motivate commerce teachers.
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    This study was undertaken to determine the effects of scaffolding method of teaching on the academic performance of secondary school students in financial accounting in Kwara State, Nigeria. The full population of the survey was 1,759 comprising all the senior secondary school students, offering financial accounting in Ilorin South Local Government, Kwara State, Nigeria. The sample size is 275 students using simple random sampling technique. One of the specific objectives was to determine the effect of treatment of scaffolding method on the academic performance of secondary school students. The research design of the study was based on the pretest-post-test non-equivalent control group design. Mean, and Standard deviation were used as the statistical tools to analyze the data to answer the research question. Analysis of Co-variance (ANCOVA) was used to test the null hypothesis at the 0.05 level of significance. The findings of this study showed that the scaffolding method of teaching has a positive effect on secondary school students‟ academic performance in financial accounting. The study also revealed that there was a significant treatment effect of scaffolding method on the academic performance of students in financial accounting. The study concluded that the scaffolding method is an effective method of teaching financial accounting in secondary schools. The implication, therefore, is that, when the scaffolding method is well utilized, the students‟ performance is expected to improve. The study recommends among others that for students‟ achievement in financial accounting to be improved, financial accounting teachers should ensure regular use of scaffolding method in the classroom while teaching.
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    Facilitating School-to-Work Transitions of Vocational and Technical Education Graduates Through Work-Based Learning
    (KIU Journal of Education, 2022-12) Saba, T. M. Ph.D., Mamman, J. S. Ph.D. and Abutu, F
    The high unemployment rate among Vocational and Technical Education (VTE) graduates is disheartening, hence the study facilitates the School-to-work transition of VTE graduates through Work-Based Learning (WBL) as the rate of unemployment among VTE graduates are growing geometrically. Two research questions were utilized for this purpose. In the methodology, the type of design used was a descriptive survey. The study was conducted in higher institutions in Niger State, Nigeria; specifically, in the higher institutions offering VTE programmes. The population of the study was 455 which comprised 146 Lecturers and 309 Employers. A simple random sampling technique was used to sample 265 participants which comprised 102 Lecturers and 163 Employers were selected using the normal selection process. A questionnaire was used as the data-collecting tool. Three experienced researchers in VTE checked the data collecting tool for the appropriateness of the content. The index for the internal consistency of the data collecting tool based on parts is 0.901 for Part 1 and 0.862 for Part B. The index for the internal consistency of the data collecting tool for the total content was established as 0.912. The study found that WBL is beneficial and can enhance the school-to-work transition. It was recommended among others that, an enabling environment should be created between schools and industries, to enter into partnership for effective teaching and learning in institutions and Government through Industrial Training Fund and Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) should jointly build and furnish industrial training villages in each state of the federation where students of various VTE programmes can learn skills.
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    Pedagogical Skills, Self-Efficacy and Content Knowledge Need For Shorthand Instructional Delivery of Lecturers in Public Tertiary Institutions in Niger State, Nigeria
    (2024-01) Abdulrazak Mohammed, Olayinka Ibitoye, Hassan Haruna
    This study assessed the pedagogical skills, self-efficacy and content knowledge need for shorthand instructional delivery of lecturers in public tertiary institutions in Niger State, Nigeria. Three specific objectives and three research questions guided the study. Similarly, three null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study covered shorthand lecturers from sixty public tertiary institution offering shorthand in Northern Nigeria. The design for the study was descriptive survey and the population was 125 shorthand lecturers. The entire 125 shorthand lecturers were used for the study. The instrument for data collection was a 4-points structured questionnaire developed by the researcher titled “Pedagogical Skills, Self-Efficacy and Content Knowledge Need for shorthand instructional Delivery” (PSSECNSID). The instrument was validated by 4 experts. Pilot study was conducted using tertiary institutions in Osun state who were not part of the subjects. The data collected from pilot study was analyzed using Cronbach Alpha method for reliability test and reliability co-efficient of 0.70 was obtained. The instrument was administered to the target respondents using direct approach and the researcher was assisted by 18 research assistants. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions, while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study concluded that shorthand lecturers need pedagogical skills, self-efficacy and content knowledge for effective shorthand instructional delivery in public tertiary institutions in Niger State, Nigeria. Based on the findings, the study recommended, among others, that government and professional organizations should organize workshops and seminars that will improve the pedagogical skills, self-efficacy and content knowledge of shorthand lecturers in Niger State, Nigeria. Implication of these findings, among others, is that pedagogical skills need of shorthand lecturers for effective instructional delivery may not improve if training and re-training programme are not organized in public tertiary institutions offering shorthand in Niger State, Nigeria
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    Assessment of Business Education Lecturers on Instructional Delivery in Colleges of Education in Kaduna and Kano State
    (2022-01) Abdulrazak Mohammed*, Haruna Hassan
    The study assessed the business education lecturers on instructional delivery in colleges of education in Kaduna and Kano State. Two research questions guided the study and two null hypotheses were formulated and tested at a 0.05 level of significance. The descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population of the study comprised 32 business education lecturers from the Federal Colleges of Education, Kano (FCE Kano and FCE (T) Bichi), Kano State College of Education, Kumbosto, Federal College of Education, Zaria and Kaduna State College of Education, Gidan-Waya, Kaduna State. Since the population size is manageable, the researchers used all populations, and so, there was no sample size for the study. The researchers developed a structured questionnaire for data collection. The instrument was validated by two experts from the rank of senior lecturer and above from the business education department of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Cronbach Alpha method was used to test the reliability of the instrument which yielded a coefficient value of 0.90. Mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the two null hypotheses formulated for the study at a significance of the level of 0.05. The findings revealed among others that Business education lecturers give prompt feedback on students learning outcomes. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that, the college authority should employ more lecturers in the area of business education programmes for comprehensive curriculum delivery to the students.