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- ItemInfluence of Tillage Systems on Diversity and Abundance of Insect and Nematode Pests of Maize in Malete, Kwara State, Nigeria(Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research, 2018-10-30) I. A. Aderolu; O. O. Lawal; A. A. Wahab; K. O. Alabi; O. S. Osunlola; M. M. GiwaCorresponding author: Email:; Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research 7(4): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJAAR.44308 ISSN: 2456-8864 Influence of Tillage Systems on Diversity and Abundance of Insect and Nematode Pests of Maize in Malete, Kwara State, Nigeria I. A. Aderolu1*, O. O. Lawal1 , A. A. Wahab1 , K. O. Alabi1 , O. S. Osunlola1† and M. M. Giwa1 1 Department of Crop Production, Kwara State University, P.M.B. 1530, Malete, Ilorin, Nigeria. Authors’ contributions This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author IAA is a Crop Protectionist (Entomologist) who designed the study, performed the statistical analysis, managed the literature searches, wrote the protocol, and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Author OOL is a Geneticist who suggested and aided in the procurement of the ten quality protein maize varieties (QPMVs) from International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). Author AAW is a Soil physicist who suggested the tillage practices used in the experiment. Author KOA is a Soil Paedologist, provided the map of the study area. Author OSO was a Nematologist who provided the expertise for collection of nematode data. Author MMG aided in the collection of data and data analysis, managed the analyses of the study, managed the literature searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Article Information DOI: 10.9734/AJAAR/2018/44308 Editor(s): (1) Dr. Eduardo Osorio Hernandez, Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Reviewers: (1) R. K. Mathukia, Junagadh Agricultural University, India. (2) Mahmoud M. A. Youssef, Egypt. Complete Peer review History: Received 16 August 2018 Accepted 25 October 2018 Published 31 October 2018 ABSTRACT Pests are major biotic factors causing up to 45% yield reduction in maize production. There is limited information on pests affecting maize in Malete, Kwara State, Nigeria. The types of insects and nematodes associated with ten quality protein maize varieties (QPMVs) were evaluated for pests’ occurrence, abundance and diversity on ‘plough only plots (POP)’ and ‘plough and harrow plots (PAHP)’ as primary and secondary tillage, respectively. The experiment was carried out using QPMVs at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Kwara State University, Malete and arranged in a randomised complete block design with 11 treatments Original Research Article Aderolu et al.; AJAAR, 7(4): 1-11, 2018; Article no.AJAAR.44308 2 replicated 3 times, including local check “pambo”. Data were collected on insect and nematode populations and yield parameters and analysed using ANOVA with descriptive statistics and standard diversity indices at P≤0.05. A total of 833.1±4.0 and 799.3±3.4 arthropod individuals from POP and PAHP tillage practices, respectively comprising 8 orders and 18 families. Ootheca mutabilis was the most abundant species, with 5.47% (POP) and 5.68% (PAHP) and the least was Rhopalosiphum maidis 1.82% (POP) and 1.80% (PAHP). As indicated by Shannon-Wiener (3.46±0.023) and Simpson indices (0.97±0.0008), there was even distribution in the tillage practices. Three genera of plant parasitic nematodes (PPNs) namely: Meloidogyne spp. [(POP (78.33±19.65), PAHP (1.33±0.33)], Pratylenchus spp. [(POP (41.67±9.26), PAHP (5.00±2.31)], and Helicotylenchus spp. [(POP (58.33±38.35), PAHP (23.33±14.50)] were identified. The yield parameters and a number of the whole plant infested were significantly higher in the PAHP than the POP. The use of secondary tillage practice is effective in reducing insects and nematodes associated with ten quality protein maize varieties and, therefore, recommended for the management of these pests in maize production.
- ItemInfluence of Tillage Systems on Diversity and Abundance of Insect and Nematode Pests of Maize in Malete, Kwara State, Nigeria(Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research, 2018-10-31) Aderolu1, I.A.; Lawal, O.O.; Wahab, A.A.; Alabi, K.O.; Osunlola, O.S.; Giwa, M.M.Pests are major biotic factors causing up to 45% yield reduction in maize production. There is limited information on pests affecting maize in Malete, Kwara State, Nigeria. The types of insects and nematodes associated with ten quality protein maize varieties (QPMVs) were evaluated for pests’ occurrence, abundance and diversity on ‘plough only plots (POP)’ and ‘plough and harrow plots (PAHP)’ as primary and secondary tillage, respectively. The experiment was carried out using QPMVs at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Kwara State University, Malete and arranged in a randomised complete block design with 11 treatments replicated 3 times, including local check “pambo”. Data were collected on insect and nematode populations and yield parameters and analysed using ANOVA with descriptive statistics and standard diversity indices at P≤0.05. A total of 833.1±4.0 and 799.3±3.4 arthropod individuals from POP and PAHP tillage practices, respectively comprising 8 orders and 18 families. Ootheca mutabilis was the most abundant species, with 5.47% (POP) and 5.68% (PAHP) and the least was Rhopalosiphum maidis 1.82% (POP) and 1.80% (PAHP). As indicated by Shannon-Wiener (3.46±0.023) and Simpson indices (0.97±0.0008), there was even distribution in the tillage practices. Three genera of plant parasitic nematodes (PPNs) namely: Meloidogyne spp. [(POP (78.33±19.65), PAHP (1.33±0.33)], Pratylenchus spp. [(POP (41.67±9.26), PAHP (5.00±2.31)], and Helicotylenchus spp. [(POP (58.33±38.35), PAHP (23.33±14.50)] were identified. The yield parameters and a number of the whole plant infested were significantly higher in the PAHP than the POP. The use of secondary tillage practice is effective in reducing insects and nematodes associated with ten quality protein maize varieties and, therefore, recommended for the management of these pests in maize production.
- ItemSOIL SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION OF CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus L.) IN THE SOUTHERN GUINEA SAVANNA ZONE OF NIGERIA(International Journal of Organic agricultural Research & Development, 2025-01-20) Alabi K.O.,; Afe A.I.; Isaac J.A.The problem of selecting the correct land for the cultivation of a certain crop is a long-standing and mainly empirical issue and nowadays, sustainability is one of the important issues in land use system. A Typic Plinthustalfs soil developed on Pre-Cambrian basement complex rocks was evaluated for its suitability for cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in the southern guinea savanna zone of Nigeria. Three mapping units that were established along the topo-sequence and three profile pits that were dug in 2017 were used for the experiment. Linear parametric and square root models were used for assessing the suitability of the soils for sustainable cucumber production. Land qualities considered in the study were climate, topography, wetness, soil fertility and soil physical properties. Except for the fertility status of the land, other qualities were not a constraint to the production of cucumber at study site. None of the pedon is highly suitable for production of cucumber by both linear and square root models with index of current productivity (IPc) that ranged between 18.7 and 70. Linear model indicated pedon 2 as currently not suitable with IPc of 18.7. Potentially, the index of potential productivity (IPp) ranged between 25 and 70 which rated pedon 1 and 3 as moderately suitable and pedon 2 as marginally suitable for cucumber production by both linear and the square root model. The limiting factors were mainly low levels of available macro-nutrients (N, P, K, Mg), low organic carbon (<0.54%), and low cation exchange capacity (<5.61cmol/kg) in all three pedons studied. Field trial also confirms the claim as application of both organic and NPK fertilizers significantly affect the yield of cucumber in all the pedons. In conclusion, it is therefore recommended that organic fertilizer should be applied for sustainable cucumber production on soils of the studied site.
- ItemCHARACTERIZATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS OF KWARA STATE UNIVERSITY TEACHING AND RESEARCH FARM, MALETE, NIGERIA(Journal of Science, Technology, Mathematics and Education (JOSTMED), 2017-06) ALABI, K. O WAHAB, A. A LAWAL, O. O ADEROLU, I. A SENJOBI, B. AProper soil use is inched on understanding its physical and chemical properties. To this end, the soils of Kwara State University Teaching and Research farm, Malete, situated in the Southern Guinea Savannah zone of Nigeria were characterized and classified according to the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA, 2014) Soil Taxonomy and Food and Agriculture Organization- World Reference Base (FAO – WRB, 2006). Soil survey was done to establish mapping units. Three profiles (0 -147 cm, 0-156 cm and 0-156 cm) were dug in each established mapping units along the toposequence of the area (upper, middle and lower slopes). Soil samples (0-19, 19-35, 35-86, 86-147 cm), (0-21, 21-41,41-61,61-156 cm), (0-40, 40-61, 61-91, 91-156 cm) were collected from the pedogenic horizons for soil characterization. The soils were deep (0-147 cm, 0-156 cm, depth) and well drained. The soil physical parameters like the textural classes identified ranged from sandy loam to sandy clay loam. The soils were moderately acidic to slightly acidic (pH 5.47 - 6.31). The macro nutrients (N, P), organic carbon (OC) and CEC of the soils were generally low with high base saturation (>50%). All the pedons had varying quantities of mottles and iron- manganese concretions. All pedons were classified as Alfisol, having ustic moisture regime and plinthite occupied more than half volume of soils within 150 cm depth. Therefore, they were classified as Typic Plinthustalfs (USDA) and as Plinthosol (FAO). At the soil series level, they were classified as Gambari series (Local classification by Smyth and Montgomery, 1962).
- ItemMarketing of Kolanut (Cola nitida) in Sagamu and Ikenne Local Government Areas of Ogun State(CONTINENTAL J. SOCIAL SCIENCES, 2017-11) Ashaye, W.O., Daramola, R.B., Anyaeji, F.O., Wahab, A.A., Alao, B.I.Kolanut market is characterized by price fluctuations through space and time in the study areas. This is linked to the large numbers of market intermediaries who acts between the primary producers, middle-men and the consumers. The study was carried out in Sagamu and Ikenne Local Government Areas LGAs of Ogun State. Data was collected using a multi-stage sampling technique by randomly selecting one hundred and twenty (120) respondents in the two (2) LGAs of Ogun State. Structured interview schedule was used as instrument in collecting information on socio-economic characteristics of kolanut marketers; including the cost of pods harvested, processing, packaging, and transportation. The data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics like means, percentage tabulations, profitability analysis and gross margin; while the constraints were rated on a 4-point Likert type scale to determine their severity. The gross margins of the kolanut products and their profitability analysis were computed using cost and returns analysis. The results revealed that kolanut marketing in the study areas yielded positive outcomes. The study further revealed that majority of the marketers are females (57.50) percent while (42.50) percent were males. The modal group of the marketers was 41-50 years with a mean age of 35. Majority of the marketers had primary education (71.67) percent. The average family size of the marketers is six (6) per households while (66) percent were married. (45.83) percent sourced their fund from personal savings. The study recommended an accelerated improvement in scaling up of marketing of kolanut enterprises and its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product and generation of foreign exchange earnings for the country.