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    Community Policing and Human Security in Nigeria: A Study of Lagos State Neighbourhood Safety Corps (LNSC)
    (Journal of Administrative Science, 2020-12-29) Abdul Rauf Ambali1 & Akeem Ayanda Araba
    The need to examine the problem of crime that has become a recurring feature in all states in Nigeria necessitates this study. There is no doubt that community policing has been very effective in crime reduction and control in several countries including the US, Israel, UK, Canada, and Japan. The devastating impacts in the face of apparently soaring levels of crime and violence on Nigerian individuals and communities especially in Lagos and other states in Nigeria require quick action. The need for community policing is critical to identifying those who are planning to carry out acts of violence. The objectives of the study are to i) ascertain the extent to which Neighbourhood Safety Corps is equipped and empowered to provide security to Lagosian; ii) investigate whether the establishments of Neighbourhood Safety Corps have reduced the rate of crime rate and improve human security in Lagos State. The paper employs a primary and secondary source of collecting data. Descriptive statistics and correlational analysis were used to analysed data and test the null hypotheses at 0.05 levels of significance. The study adopts the Normative Sponsorship Theory for its analysis. The study reveals that the provision of adequate equipment to community personal enhances the security of lives and properties. More so, the creation of community policing to support the government apparatus reduced the crime rate in any society. Based on the findings of this paper, it was recommended that government should redouble its efforts in providing sophisticated weapons and ammunition to the community policing personnel and also should encourage the establishment of partnership policing to curb the crime rate.
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    Use and Influence of Technological Gadgets on Students' Performance in Art Production
    (International Journal of Research in Innovation and Social Science, 2024-03-10) nday James & Agbeyan Festus Simon
    ABSTRACT Despite the opportunities afforded art teachers in the use of technology today, many of them avoid these opportunities; either because they are not interested or they prefer the traditional way of teaching or they lack the know-how to use them. A cursory look at our Art institutions and Departments in Nigeria today reveals that there is need to overhaul the training methods and facilities in the system to meet global standard and technology-driven society of our time. This paper discusses the place of technology in Art pedagogy; looking at studio practice and theory, its influence on art production and sustainability in the future. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the quality of computer gadget-aided paintings and those made from real objects among selected students in tertiary institutions. Methodology adopted includes literary review, survey and practical experiments. The paper points to the fact that the role of technology cannot be over-emphasized in art teaching and learning, exhibition and sale, recording, preservation, as well as documentation and archiving of art experiences. It is recommended that teachers of Art must be abreast with modern techniques in teaching in a dynamic and technology-driven world of today.
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    (International Journal of Politics and Good Governance, 2013-01-30) Alabi Abdulahi; Sakariyau Rauf T
    It is an established fact that Nigerian’s electoral process has always been marred with irregularities; the 2011 election is a paradigm shift in the history of electioneering in the country. Though some challenges were encountered in the conduct of the elections, INEC was given a pass mark by both local and international observers and thus made the general election a watershed. This makes it imperative in this paper to examine the conduct of the 2011 general elections in Nigeria. The paper infers that if the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) can be built out of political influence and move away from status quo where a political party dominates the constitution of drivers of INEC there is every tendency that there will be a better conduct of election in the future. The paper taps various means of getting relevant materials to put this study together for onward academic utilization and to reshape the conduct of Nigeria’s forthcoming general elections.
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    Cybercrime in Nigeria: Social Influence Affecting the Prevention and Control
    (Published by Department of Economics, Federal University of Lafia, Nigeria, 2023) Abdullahi Alabi1 , Abdulrasheed Hamza Bamidele2 & Abdulrazaq Bashir Oladimeji
    Abstract Over the past decade, the internet has grown dramatically with increasing everyday users. As internet users increase, so is the percentage of cybercriminals who seem to be shifting traditional crime to the internet. The predicted financial losses of N250 billion ($649 million) in 2017 and N288 billion ($800 million) in 2018 have made cybercrime in Nigeria one of the most difficult crimes to solve. Young people, especially those in higher education, are involved in cybercrime in Nigeria, but this crime is committed by both young and old adults. The involvement of young people is typically influenced by high levels of poverty, unemployment, insufficient laws against this crime, and diminished social influence. A nation with a high crime rate cannot prosper or develop. The study examines the effects of social influencers. The study utilized the structural-functional theory and the theory of technology-enabled crime to provide a grasp of the nature of the problem. Due to the nature of the investigation, secondary data and qualitative methods were used and it was found that youth involvement in cybercrime is significantly influenced by unemployment, peer pressure, and socialization factors. The study suggests that Nigeria should provide basic facilities (e.g., Electricity, Security, Good Governance and so forth), enhance its cybercrime laws and policies, and instruct its social agents (War against Indiscipline and Corruption, National Orientation Agency). Keywords: Control, Cybercrime, Prevention, Social Influence
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    (International Journal of Politics and Good Governance, 2013-05-10) Alabi Abdullahi & Sakariyau, Rauf Tunde
    Political godfatherism is one of the factors that embedded democratic setting in Nigeria since first republic. In view of this, this research work is primarily designed to examine democracy and politics of godfatherism in Nigeria with emphasis on its effects and way forward. The study adopts primary and secondary data to analyze some critical issues, like political violence, vote buying, disenfranchisement and some other political and socio-cultural factors that embedded democratic setting in Nigeria since 1999 till current political dispensation engaged by godfathers and godsons. The study further explores the relationship between godfathers and godsons with a particular attention to who become the next strongmen in the area of politics and who retains the status quo. This study examines some key concepts, such as democracy, political violence and political godfatherism. Finally, the study concludes with recommendations in order to ensure good governance and political stability in Nigeria.