Curriculum and Educational Implications of Teaching the Art of Dance in Nigerian Universities
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AFO-A-KOM: A Journal of Culture, Performing and Visual Arts
A look at the curriculum of various levels of education in Nigeria (primary,
secondary, and tertiary) reveals that dance is one of the smallest and most
neglected elements taught within the artistic spheres. It is mostly seen and
taught as an aspect of Theatre Arts. This paper takes a look at various
definitions of dance according to different scholars and the importance of dance
education within the school system. The paper further discusses the
implications of teaching and establishment of dance departments in Nigerian
universities as well as points out issues that may arise as a result of the
development. It calls the attention of stakeholders in the education sector in
Nigeria to the need to ensure effective dance education in theory and practice.
Issues ranging from curriculum, methodology, society, infrastructure as well as
personnel are raised in this paper. The philosophical approach is adopted. This
paper calls for mandatoryinclusion of dance education in the curriculum of
schools and recognition of it as just as important for students as other subjects.
The paper discusses the curriculum implications of including and teaching the art of dance in Nigerian Universities.
APA, 6th edition