Characterization and classification of soils of a toposequence at Osun sacred grove, Nigeria

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Nigerian Journal of Soil Science
Rational use of forest resources without accurate knowledge of land and soil properties is a primary concern in achieving any millennium goal on afforestation. Hence, the morphological, physical and chemical properties of soils of a toposequence over coarse-grained granite gneiss at Osun sacred grove, in Osun State, south-Western Nigeria were studied. Three profile pits were dug under each landuse types (Teak and Gmelina plantations), making six pits in the location. Most of the pedons clearly expressed Argillic Bt horizon. Soil texture ranged from sandy loam to sandy clay loam. Soil structures ranged between medium sub-angular blocky and single grained. Bulk density values ranged from 1.31 to 1.69 gcm-3 and soils under teak plantation are generally higher in coarser texture with high gravel contents. The soils are slightly acidic. The soils had high base saturation, low CEC, and clay content increases with depth, regular decrease in organic carbon with an increase in depth is also observed. The soils are classified according to the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA, 2014) Soil Taxonomy and Food and Agriculture Organization- World Reference Base (FAO – WRB, 2014) as Alfisols and Inceptisol and having Udic moisture regime, under teak plantation, pedon 1, 2 and 3 were classified as Typic Kandiudalfs (Lixisols) , Lithic Dystrudepts (Leptosols) andPlinthaquic Kandiudalfs while under Gmelina plantation pedon 4,5 were classified as Typic Hapludalfs (Lixisols), and 6 as Aquic Kandiudalfs (Gleyic Lixisols). At the soil series level pedon 1,4 and 5 were classified as Iwo series, pedon 2 as Ekiti series, pedon 3 as Apomu series while pedon 6 was classified as Oba series