Dr. Ali Miqdad Ali

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Science of Qirı ät is one of the sources of Islamic Law (Shar+ ah,. It occupies a place of prominence among all related branches of Uimul-Qurın. Yet, it is one of the most neglected branches of Islamic Studies in Nigeria especially in Yorubaland. This can be attributed to lack of adequate knowledge on the part of large majority of Muslims in regard to the multiplicity of the modes of recitation of the Qur'an and the reason for its preservation. This study traces the origin of Qirã ãt fron the scholars of modes of recitation Aiunatul-Qurrãs to the primary source. Attempt is also made to provide examples of different patterns of the modes of recitation and their meanings. Descriprive and analytical methods are adopted for this research. The study concludes, among others, that llmul-Qiã tät gestures towards the uniqueness of the Quran and recommends adherence to and further exploration of the field.