Using Multi Techniques Analysis in Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification and Mapping of Mambilla Plateau in Taraba State Nigeria

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Open Journal of Ecology, SciRes.
This work used multi techniques analysis comprises GIS models, geostatistics, clustering analysis as against the traditional single layer thematic approach to characterize Mambilla Plateau, a cold highland in Taraba state of Nigeriainto biogeoclimatic ecosystem zones needed for natural re￾sources management. The principal criteria used in classifying and mapping the ecosystems are: climate and bioclimate data, physiography (slope, relief and aspect), vegetation/landcover data. In classifying and mapping the physiography of Mambilla Plateau, the topographic layer was pro￾duced from 90 m NASA/SRTM digital elevation model. Principal component analysis, agglomera￾tive hierarchical cluster analysis (AHC) and geostatistical techniques (Kriging) were applied to develop bioclimatic layer. A combination of vegetation field survey conducted on selected sites, un/supervised classification and the application of NDVI values was used to produce landcover map and delineation of the Plateau into vegetation units. These layers of physiographic, biocli￾matic and vegetation were spatially combined using fuzzy (sum) overlay in Arc GIS 10.2 to pro￾duce 5 major and 1 subunit biogeoclimatic ecosystem zones on the Mambilla Plateau and the ad￾joining landscape namely: humid lowland forest/humid shrubby forest, montane forest, escarp￾ment stream valley forest, grass cypress cool mountain and, grass eucalyptus cold high mountain. It is expected that this approach to biogeoclimatic ecosystem mapping shall form the bedrock for vegetal/forest resources management not only in the region but find application especially in most of the highland of the world.