Effective Leadership and Organizational Performance in Moro Local Government, Kwara State

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Abuja Journal of Administration & Management (AJAM)
Globally, there is need for strong political leadership at the local Government for high organizational performance to be attained. That is why scholars are of the opinion that leadership effectiveness is shown by quality results (determined by the leader’s strategic planning experience and leader’s managerial skills. The study assessed effective leadership and organizational performance in Moro Local Government Area. The study is a “Desk Review” i.e. a conceptual research because its analyse and synthesise existing knowledge to understand a phenomenon. In essence, the study relied on the findings of extant studies and evidence from empirical case to arrive at logical conclusion. Moreover, the study also relied on secondary data e.g. Igbomina–Yoruba National Development Summit” report, 2018 and Moro Local Government Performance Report, 2024. From the presentation of an empirical case, the study found that leader’s strategic planning experience significantly led to organization in Moro Local Government. This is shown in the use of leader’s strategic planning experience and managerial skills to achieve the goal of bringing together all the different Yoruba-speaking communities towards common goal. The study also discovered that managerial skills among the leaders significantly led to organization in Moro Local Government. The study recommends the need to strengthen strategic planning experience among present and future leaders in Moro Local Government for better result (efficient organization) in order to be fair and responsive to public needs and demands. There is also need for the leaders to as a matter of fact learn to apply the skills of management for effective organization and organizational development in Local Governments for management skills will guide a leader to have problem solving skills and motivating skills and time management.