Effect of Entrepreneurial Pro-Activeness on Business Sustainability of Some Selected Medium-Sized Hotels in Ilorin Metropolis, Nigeria
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Entrepreneurial marketing dimensions are elements that most medium-sized have not leveraged
particularly in the hospitality industry and specifically medium-sized hotel businesses in Ilorin to
boost their performance. Ilorin is one of the major cities in Kwara State, Nigeria. However, the
study objective is to investigate the effect of pro-activeness of services on the sustainability of
3stars hotel businesses in the Ilorin metropolis. The methodology employed is a descriptive
survey research study that is cross-sectional. The study uses a population of 290 and a sample
of 168 using a simple random sampling technique. The study also used primary sources of data
to elicit information from respondents deploying a five-point Likert scale. It analyses data
gathered using descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of SPSS 22.0. Findings revealed
that pro-activeness of service has no significant effect on the sustainability of the 3-star hotel
business in Ilorin with results indicating a P value of (0.540). It is concluded that the pro activeness of service on sustainability has no significant effect on the performance of medium sized hotel businesses in Ilorin. It is recommended that 5-star hotels in Ilorin should focus on
advocating measures to enhance pro-activeness of service as an early response mechanism.