Effect of thickness and matrix variability on properties of a starch-based nanocomposite supple film
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Food Research
<jats:p>In this research, the effects of matrix variability and thickness on the properties of a
flexible nanocomposite film were investigated. The nanocomposite film was prepared
from the blends of 1 kg cassava starch, 45–55% (w/v) glycerol and 0–2% (w/v) zincnanoparticles in thickness ranging from 15 −17 µm. The barrier, mechanical, and thermal
properties were determined experimentally. The optimal effects of the thickness and the
matrix variability on the properties were determined using Response Surface
Methodology. Results showed that the barrier properties increased with glycerol
concentration but decreased with thickness. Reduced modulus and tensile strength
increased with an increase in the matrix variability. The film was thermally stable up to
60.43oC with only 2% degradation. The optimal film contains 55% glycerol, 2% zinc
nanoparticles with a thickness of 17 µm at a desirability index of 0.95. This can therefore
be essential for industrial application</jats:p>