Single Cell Proteins: As Nutritional Enhancer

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To meet the protein need of our growing population, it is important to include non-conventional protein sources in our diet. Important non – conventional sources are oil seed proteins, leaf protein concentrate, (LPC) fish protein concentrate (FPC) and single cell proteins (SCP) or biomass protein (BMP). Single cell protein recently attracted attention and holds a major potential for increasing protein supply. Proteins not only provide a nutritional component in a food system but also perform a number of other functions).The protein obtained from microbial source is designed as “Single Cell Protein” (SCP). Bacteria, Moulds, Yeasts, Green and Bluegreen algae are widely used as source of single cell protein. However, blue-green algae, where cell wall lacks cellulose, are easily digestible and are the most frequently used organism. Microbial protein or SCP has various benefits over animal and plant proteins in that its requirement for growth are neither seasonal or climate dependent; it can be produced all round the year .Does not require a large expanse of land as in plant or animal protein production. It has high protein content with wide amino acid spectrum, low fat content, higher proteincarbohydrate ratio than forages, can be grown on waste and it is environmental friendly as it helps in recycling waste. Various forms of organic waste such as cellulose hemicelluloses, hydrocarbon and different types of agricultural waste are used in the production of SCP. Besides nutritional value, a protein should have desirable functional properties also for its incorporation in food. Functional properties of proteins vary with the source, composition, method of preparation/extraction, prevailing environment etc. SCP has been found to meet all the requirements for its inclusion as diet supplement for both human and livestock especially in the developing countries of Africa and the world at large. This paper is therefore aimed at reviewing the in production, processing and consumption of SCP for food and feed.