Pedagogical Skills, Self-Efficacy and Content Knowledge Need For Shorthand Instructional Delivery of Lecturers in Public Tertiary Institutions in Niger State, Nigeria
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This study assessed the pedagogical skills, self-efficacy and content knowledge need for
shorthand instructional delivery of lecturers in public tertiary institutions in Niger
State, Nigeria. Three specific objectives and three research questions guided the study.
Similarly, three null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of
significance. The study covered shorthand lecturers from sixty public tertiary institution
offering shorthand in Northern Nigeria. The design for the study was descriptive survey
and the population was 125 shorthand lecturers. The entire 125 shorthand lecturers
were used for the study. The instrument for data collection was a 4-points structured
questionnaire developed by the researcher titled “Pedagogical Skills, Self-Efficacy and
Content Knowledge Need for shorthand instructional Delivery” (PSSECNSID). The
instrument was validated by 4 experts. Pilot study was conducted using tertiary
institutions in Osun state who were not part of the subjects. The data collected from
pilot study was analyzed using Cronbach Alpha method for reliability test and
reliability co-efficient of 0.70 was obtained. The instrument was administered to the
target respondents using direct approach and the researcher was assisted by 18
research assistants. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research
questions, while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the null hypotheses at
0.05 level of significance. The study concluded that shorthand lecturers need
pedagogical skills, self-efficacy and content knowledge for effective shorthand
instructional delivery in public tertiary institutions in Niger State, Nigeria. Based on the
findings, the study recommended, among others, that government and professional
organizations should organize workshops and seminars that will improve the
pedagogical skills, self-efficacy and content knowledge of shorthand lecturers in Niger
State, Nigeria. Implication of these findings, among others, is that pedagogical skills
need of shorthand lecturers for effective instructional delivery may not improve if
training and re-training programme are not organized in public tertiary institutions
offering shorthand in Niger State, Nigeria