Investigation of Blister Beetle(Lytta vesicatoria) Dermatitis outbreak and containment at Karaoke State University Students' Hostels
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The study was undertaken to ascertain the causative agent and diagnosis of the clinical profile of patients that
made them susceptible to Blister Beetle Dermatitis, efforts were also devoted to investigate risk factors associated with
BBD symptoms in patients. This study also provides entomological and environmental data on occurrence and outbreak
of BBD at the student hostels in Kwara State University, Nigeria. Patients with clinical manifestation of dermatitis were
studied by questionnaire administration along with close clinical examination of the disease condition. The questionnaire
sought information on skin lesions, sleeping locations of the patients and beetle activity. The result of the study revealed
44 patients (30 males and 14 females) reported insect bite, dermatitis at and were treated for BBD at the University
Medical Centre. The majority of patients were in the age group 10-25years, (77.3%). Thirty four (77.3%) resides in the
hostels of the university while others live outside. The commonest body locations affected was the neck (40.9%) and
head and face (27.3%). Majority of the cases were reported in October (83%), September (7.8%) and August (2.4%)
which coincided with both rainy period and high prevalence of blister beetles collection at the study area. Mean duration
of the symptoms manifestation were 3 to 5 days. Fitting houses with good insect screens, light-proof curtains, yellow
light bulb and immediate washing of area of contact of beetle on body with soap and water are parts of the precautionary
measures proffered.