Discourse Space Theory and Conceptual Metaphor in Muhammadu Buhari`s Inaugural Speech

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University Of Lagos Press
In the last few decades, researchers especially in the humanities and social sciences have directed a renewed and undivided attention so to speak to the field of political communication and/or political discourse. This renewed effort has produced avalanche of literature in political discourse which has in turn attracted the interest of both political and discourse analysts in this direction. Political discourse is hydra-headed as it embraces several other sub-genres such as political debates, political broadcast interviews, political rallies parliamentary sessions, presidential inaugurals among others. Researches on presidential inaugurals have grown enormously in the recent times. This unprecedented growth may not be unconnected with the democratisation process as a new world order .It is today a common practice for democratically elected presidents or military juntas in dictatorial regimes especially in the third world countries to deliver an inaugural speech immediately following their swearing the oath of office. In the course of this exercise, the political actors draw certain rhetorical devices to service in order to manipulate and convince the citizenry about their dedication and commitment to serve them. This paper therefore seeks to situate Discourse Space Theory and Conceptual Metaphor in the inaugural speech of Muhammadu Buhari. Using these two theoretical models, we shall be better placed to encapsulate how political actors use language in both its literal and literary senses to shape discourse and by extension reconstitute certain values among the citizenry.