Development of an Ultrasonic-based Digital Height Measurement System

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Published by the Delta State University Journal, Abraka, Nigeria
This paper presents the design, sensor selection, circuitry, firmware development, and testing of an ultrasonic-based digital height meter. An Atmega328 microcontroller is used in the design to handle sensor measurements as it investigates the utilization of HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor technology. Firmware was developed in the Arduino IDE environment, and the sketch was uploaded to the microcontroller. The designed circuit was constructed on a Veroboard, and the casing was designed for convenience of use. Ultrasonic digital height meters are more accurate, dependable, and quick when compared to hospital meter rules. The apparatus was mounted at a height of 2 meters to ease the measurement of humans. Results from the measurement of nine people were compared with those of the hospital scale, and a percentage error of 0.55% was obtained. A digital height meter can be a very useful instrument for many different applications, including medical, educational, engineering, and surveying, with careful planning and implementation