Parental influences on the voluntary association affiliations of Kwara State College of Education, Oro students

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African Journal of Educational Studies(AJES)
This paper explores the importance of the relationships between parents and children in determining the voluntary association affiliations of Kwara State College of Education students. The population of the study included all regular NCE students of the College of Education, Oro, while the sample consisted of 93 NCE II and III students from twenty registered clubs, societies and associations using stratified sampling technique, and the instrument used was the Questionnaire on Parents and Students Interest in Voluntary Association Affiliations [QUPSIVAA). The study established a relationship between parental influence and students affiliations to voluntary associations, and that parental encouragement has greater influence than parental affiliations to associations. Further still it was found that affiliations was related to the provision of social/welfare service and the development of managerial ability. The paper therefore advised parents to be worthy examples who should give quality leadership and they should help channel the energies of their wards to worthwhile associations.