The Access and use of Library and Internet as Information Source by Agricultural Academics and Extension Workers within King Cetshwayo District Municipality of Kwazulu-Natal Province, South Africa

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Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)
Abstract Information plays a vital role in agricultural production, it is believed to be the foundation for improved agriculture. To improve agriculture, access and use of information is required. This study investigated the access to and use of library and internet by agricultural extension workers and academics as information source. Shannon and Weaver model theory was used to underpin the study. Purposive sampling was used to select three local municipalities within King Cetshwayo District of KwaZulu-Natal Province in South Africa. Quantitative technique was adopted with self-administered structured questionnaire. Convenience sampling technique was adopted to select 60 extension workers in three offices of the department of agriculture located in Eshowe, Melmoth and Ngwelezane and 9 academics from department of agriculture, University of Zululand, making the total number of the study participants sixty-nine (69). Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) software was used to analyse data collected. Findings revealed that internet facilities are not adequate in agricultural department offices located in the rural areas, thereby, led to minimal use of internet.; Academics regular access to internet led to regular use of internet. Also, Academics had high access to library but low use of library. Most extension workers do not have access to library, thereby, they hardly use library for information source. The study recommends that effort should be made to train, especially the old extension workers on the use of internet for agricultural information source. Use of library should be encouraged among academics and extension workers.