The Blemish of Voter Apathy in Sustaining Democratic Governance in Nigeria: The Role of Political Parties
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The Asian Institute of Research Journal of Social and Political Sciences
Sustaining democratic governance is a philosophy hinged largely on the functionality of the institutions of
governance in line with democratic process and norms. The study established that virile democratic system is an
illusion when a chunk of citizens are less concerned and disinterested in political activities of their country
especially when it comes to voting. That is, a carefree attitude by the citizens towards voting is inimical and an
aberration to widely celebrated modern democracy. Expectedly, political parties play a crucial role in citizens’
participation in politics, because they are mobilization forces. When political parties stimulate violence then it
becomes a problem. The core interest of this study therefore is to investigate the interplay between campaign
characters of political parties and low voters turn out in Nigeria. Secondary method of data collection was
adopted, as published article, books and relevant reports were captured from the national dailies. This study out
found that in Nigeria, political parties are liabilities rather than assets to the Nigerian Democracy, considering
their attitude that encourage voters’ apathy. Indeed, failed electoral promises; ideological bareness; electoral
violence, high level of indiscipline and unprincipled party defection characterizes Nigeria’s political parties and
by implication stimulate among the citizens a mood of pessimism about partisan politics. As the 2019 general
elections had been concluded and Nigerians continue to yearn for sustainable democratic governance, political
parties should reposition themselves; by being well grounded on ethos and ideology and build confidence and
trust in the electorates. Hence, there is a compelling need for Nigerian political parties to be democratic, as
democracy is incontrovertibly inconceivable without virile political parties.