Strengthening Social Investment for Poverty Reduction Amongst Youth: A Case for Sustaining the New Strategy.

dc.contributor.authorALiyu,A O
dc.description.abstractDespite previous government, social intervention programmes were initiated to tackle the upsurge rate of unemployment and poverty amongst the vulnerable population. Analysis of successive interventions in terms of strategy and approach seems incapable of checkmating the alarming rate of poverty amongst the young populace. This article underscores the government renewed pragmatic approach to tackling poverty amongst the youth which ultimately constitutes a significant segment of the vulnerable group in the larger society. Admittedly, the interventions are the tip of the iceberg but were found to be more strategic in approach, methodology and towards a result-oriented desirable outcome. Pieces of evidence from beneficiaries revealed a change in status quo and modi operandi as compared with previous interventions. The study found the new social investment programme more impactful on the livelihood of beneficiaries (human capital development) and significantly contributed to poverty reduction. The study suggests that government should establish a legal and institutional framework to sustain the programme. Government should expand the coverage so that participants (beneficiaries) can be deployed to other core sectors of the economy to enhance balance development. More importantly, the government should establish the legal and institutional framework required to marshal implementation, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the scheme.
dc.publisherJournal of Public Administration, Kaduna State University, Nigeria (JOPAKASU)
dc.titleStrengthening Social Investment for Poverty Reduction Amongst Youth: A Case for Sustaining the New Strategy.