Improved Criterion in Method of Assessment of the Safety Level of the Process of Land Recultivation of Places of Ammunition Disposal and Destruction

dc.contributor.authorAndronov Volodymyr
dc.contributor.authorDidovets Yurij
dc.contributor.authorKoloskova Hanna
dc.contributor.authorJinadu Abdulbaqi
dc.contributor.authorKoloskov Volodymyr
dc.description.abstractThe relevance of the research and the need to develop methods that allow assessing the level of safety of the disposal and destruction of ammunition sites are shown not only at the present time, but also in the future when land reclamation measures are applied. An improved criterion for assessing the safety level of the reclamation process of the lands of the disposal and destruction of ammunition sites was developed based on the use of a regulatory approach, and significant indicators were determined, namely: the probability of an explosion, the amount of excessive pressure in the air shock wave, and the level of degradation of the lands of the disposal and destruction of ammunition sites. An improved method of assessing the safety level of the process of land reclamation of the disposal and destruction of munitions by using an improved criterion for assessing the safety level of the process has been developed. The proposed method is suitable not only for long-term evaluation, but also for operational safety management of similar objects. The main advantage of the proposed method in comparison with those used today is to take into account the entire complex of active factors of explosion risk and environmental danger, while minimizing the number of significant environmental quality indicators. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to reduce the amount of calculations required for accurate assessment by a set of regulatory criteria, and also simplifies the assessment procedure without loss of accuracy.
dc.identifier.citationAndronov V., Didovets Yu., Koloskov V., Koloskova H., Jinadu A. (2022). Improved criterion in method of assessment of the safety level of the process of land recultivation of places of ammunition disposal and destruction. Technogenic and ecological safety, 12(2/2022), 43–50. doi: 10.52363/2522-1892.2022.2.6
dc.publisherScientific and Technical Journal
dc.titleImproved Criterion in Method of Assessment of the Safety Level of the Process of Land Recultivation of Places of Ammunition Disposal and Destruction
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