Security challenges in Nigeria and its effect on Nigeria`s foreign image. The Muhammadu Buhari administration

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Nnamdi Azikiwe University & ZARSMI Publishing
The peace and prosperity of a state lie on so many factors ranging from international relationships, intra-relationship between and amongst its citizen, security, the judicious and economical management of scarce resources by the government along with the harmonious advancement in the various sectors of the nation. The level of insecurity in the country is fast rising and alarming. There are several security challenges which cut across the nooks and crannies of the country. The rate of violent crimes such as kidnapping, insurgency, terrorism, armed robbery and banditry, suicide bombing, religious killing ethnic clashes, politically motivated killing and other forms of criminal activities in the country is becoming increasingly regular occurrence that characterised life in the nation. The effect of these security challenges cannot be overemphasised as it effect cut across various sectors of the country which also transcends into the external image of the country. One of its effect which includes scaring away of foreign investors. This paper examine the effect of security challenges on the external image of the country. More, uses the constructivist theory to explain the relationship between the foreign image and security. The paper more so, identified various reasons to be the cause of insecurity in Nigeria ranging from the porous border of the country ethno religious crisis, mismanagement of scarce resources and recommend conscious efforts in tackling grassroots threats before they become national disasters. The paper sourced its material from various secondary materi1als.