Appraisal of the Electoral Act 2023: A Curse or Blessing to the 2023 General Elections in Nigeria.

dc.contributor.authorOniye, S., Olatinwo, K and AKINTOYE, O.D
dc.description.abstractIt is trite law that the ultimate goal of a true democratic nation is to conduct credible, free and fair elections. It is indeed one of the major challenges of the democratization process in a given nation. However, Nigeria is not known to have conducted elections devoid of rigging, fraud, votes buying, re-run of the electoral process or the formation of coalitions, irregularities, malpractices, declaration of election as inconclusive, distractive litigations etc.Thus, the issues bordering on reform of the electoral system, including the legal framework of electoral process that will ensure substantial free and fair elections that meet the minimum standard of acceptable democratic elections cannot but remain essential goal of democracy in Nigeria. In the circumstances, and in order to curb the menace of electoral process, the Nigeria Government enacted Electoral Act 2022 introducing new changes such as use of card readers and other technological devices, reduction of campaign expenses by the political parties, time line for the submission of lists of candidates, criteria for substitution of candidates amongst others.To this end, this paper, while adopting analytical research methodology, examines theElectoral Act 2022 and its innovations as curse or blessing towards 2023 general elections in Nigeria. The paper revealed that the Act has regulated some unforeseen circumstances noticed in the previous elections which necessitate post-election litigations across the country and suggests way forward towards 2023 general election and beyond in order to meet the minimum standard of acceptable democratic elections. *LL.B, BL, LL.M, Lecturer I, Department of Jurisprudence and Public Law (PhD in view) ** LL.B, B.L, LL.M. PhD Senior Lecturer, Department of Jurisprudence and Public Law *** LL.B, B.L, LL.M. PhD Senior Lecturer, Department of Business and Private Law
dc.identifier.citationInternational Journal of Innovative Research and Development (IJIRD) 12 (5) 144-151
dc.identifier.issnISSN 2278-0211
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Innovative Research and Development (IJIRD)
dc.titleAppraisal of the Electoral Act 2023: A Curse or Blessing to the 2023 General Elections in Nigeria.
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