Optimization of the succinylation process of Anchomanes diffformis starch and the impact of starch modification on quality

The recent increase in demand for starch in food industries necessitates research into new sources of starch. The optimization process of succilynated-Anchomanes difformis starch was carried out using the standard method. The purified Anchomanes difformis starch samples were succinylated using 0-12% succinic anhydride. The FTIR, functional properties, pasting properties, chemical composition, enzymatic activities and anti-nutritional properties of the samples were determined using standard methods. The gelatinization temperature, solubility index, bulk density, swelling power, oil absorption capacity and water absorption capacity ranged from 62.55-80.50℃, 1.08-2.22%, 0.54-0.73%, 2.07-4.12%; 113-176% and 206-259%, respectively. The pasting temperature, peak time, setback, final viscosity, breakdown, trough and peak viscosity varied from 74.25-84.05℃, 4.17-5.00 min, 460-970.5 RVU, 1,692.5-2,339 RVU, 900.5-1,937.5 RVU, 102.71-114.04 RVU, and 189.08- 270.58 RVU, respectively. The moisture content, fat content, protein content, ash content, crude fiber, and carbohydrates ranged from 7.17-12.5%, 0.92-1.51%, 3.37-3.77%, 0.57-3.67%, 0.85-1.37% and 75.44-86.10%, respectively. The anti-nutritional contents were below the acceptable limit. The amylopectin and amylose ranged from 82.82-88.23% and 11.77-17.18%, respectively. The pancreatic lipase, α-amylase and α-glucosidase activities varied from -11.52-45.02, -16.68-72.12 and 49.22- 72.87, respectively. Conclusively, succinylation at 11.19% would produce Anchomanes difformis starch succinate of optimum quality for food applications. Keywords Anchomanes difformis, chemical composition, chemical