Nigeria-Sudan Relations: The Linguistic Perspectives

dc.contributor.authorAbdulRazaq M. Katibi
dc.descriptionThe work analyses the linguistic perspectives in the relationship between Nigeria and Sudan.
dc.description.abstractNigeria and Sudan are two distinct African countries, located at different geographical locations with different socio-cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Though, the two countries were intruded by the British colonials, yet the struggles for independence, post-independence and political scenario are not indifference. Scholars, especially in the areas of Islamic History, Politics and Social Sciences generally have dwelt into the studying the symbiotic relationship between the two countries. The studies included how two countries affect and influence one another. These works are documented in both Arabic and English languages. However, little is known and written on linguistics-relationship existing between the two countries. This work is expected to bridge the linguistic gaps existing between the two languages. Our preliminary investigation indicates that there are some languages spoken in Nigeria that are of families of Afro-Asiatic, Nilo-Sahara and Niger-Congo which also exist in Sudan. In addition, there are some Nigerian languages that harbor Arabic words which are of Sudanese extractions and origin. Another area of linguistic similarity is in the area of tonology i.e. the mode of reading of Arabic scripts like Quran, poems and music that are similar to Sudanese-Arabic tone. These are the areas which this paper intends to highlight, analyze and give possible examples where necessary. Meanwhile, articles in journals, books that are written in both Arabic and English languages in addition to some useful materials which are related to the topic shall be the sources of this paper. Also, the writer’s personal experience on the issue discussed shall form part of our resources. In conclusion, any issue, point and discussion raised and reached in this paper are expected to serve as platform for the purpose of provoking more intensive and extensive researches on the linguistics relationship between Nigeria and Sudan.
dc.description.sponsorshipSelf sponsored
dc.publisherDepartment of Linguistics, African and Asian Studies, Lagos State University
dc.titleNigeria-Sudan Relations: The Linguistic Perspectives
dc.typeBook chapter
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