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- ItemREFORMS IN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN NIGERIA AND PLACE OF ARABIC STUDIES(*Corresponding Author:| Email Copyright © 2021 The Author(s): This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) International License International Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHS), 2022) Salih M. Jum’ah AlasoAbstract: ’Reform in education’’ is the center point of this paper it discusses the literal and technical concept of the word “REFORM” in relation to education. It went memory lane on the reforms in education in Nigeria since pre-colonial era till the present time. Historically, Arabic was the first official medium of communication and lingual-fracas during the Sokoto Caliphate (1804-1903) and later suffered a neglect and unjust treatment due to different reforms in the education sector in the country during the colonial era and even after the independence. The paper aims at studying how these reforms affected Arabic Studies in term of development or otherwise and various contributing factors. The main methodology used for data collection are interviews, questionnaires circulated to a number of Arabic experts and education reform specialists in addition to some other methods benefited from. The paper discovers that Arabic was the first international language that brought Nigerians out of illiteracy; Thus, became the most beloved language among them being the language of their religion. And that the language was negatively affected by various education reforms that caused its some set back. and that later became one of the recognized courses in the Nigerian system of education. Various recommendations were made some which is that Arabic must be one of the core causes in the national curriculum. And that private Arabic schools should receive more attention from Government for their development.
- ItemImproving the Teaching of Arabic Through the Effective Use of YouTube(Hijai – Journal on Arabic Language and Literature, 2020) Salih Muhammad Jumah-Alaso; Abdullahi Shehu OnisabiThis study examines ways of improving Arabic's teaching and learning process by applying YouTube video clips as audio-visual aids. Eighteen Arabic students in Kaduna State College of Education and Kwara State University constituted the study sample. A descriptive method with Pre-test and Post-test was conducted. Data were collected through the essay writing, translation, and structure test. The data were analyzed through the descriptive statistics of frequency (f) and percentage (%). The study findings revealed that the subjects performed better and demonstrated linguistic communicative competence in Arabic. Finally, the study recommends that YouTube videos should be integrated into the Arabic teaching-learning process.
- ItemMilieu Disparity Between Author and Reader Generates Complexity: ESP & ELT as a Case Study(The European Conference on Language and Learning 2015 Official Conference Proceedings, 2015-04-24) MURITALA YAHYA TOYIN; Aysha Mohd SharifThe aim of this paper is to gain insight into the necessity of Islamic linguistic skills in terms of moral modifications and cultural relevancies for the improvement of ELT materials. The paper highlights the required assessments for the current need of English language for Muslims on all dimensions of ELT problems. This is enhanced through examining the reality of existence of Islamic approach to English usage in reference to its nature, historical background and contemporary impacts of English literary developments among Muslims. The result indicates that an Islamic approach to the language use and application should co-relate with universal features that include lexis, grammar, topic, style, audiences, code mixing: all of which express social and cultural identities. The ultimate goal is the attainment of communicative competence in English among Muslim learners through the medium of Islamic culture and systematic applications of the modern methods of English language learning and teaching.
- Itemتحليل الخطاب القرآني النحوي بين أسلوب اللغة العربية الفصحى وطريقة علم اللغة النصي المعاصر(Majalla Al-Aasimah, Refereed Research Journal, Kerala, India, 2017-07-06) MURITALA YAHYA TOYIN
- Itemتعليم اللغة العربية لغرض اتصايل ٍّ عاملي: العناية واآلفاق(Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Nilai, Negeri Sembilan Malaysia, 2014-10-21) MURITALA YAHYA TOYINتنتمي هذه الدراسة يف هدفها العلمي إىل البحث عن عوامل النجاح يف تعليم ا للغة ال عربية ، لالتصال العاملي الذي يتعلق بتعدد الثقافات من حيث املميزات واملبادئ الالزمة للغة ولالتصال بني ال ثقافات املختلفة. ف أسباب اإلخفاق والعوائق اليت حتدِّي الوصول احلقيقي إىل احلصيلة املرجوة يف ا كتساب الكفاءة اللغوية الدقيقة لالتصال العاملي الثقايف تندمج حتت الدراسة . هذا، وإذ تت عدد املشاكل اليت تواجه ا لطلبة كيب اللغوييف تكوين العبارات، من حيث وجود الفروق ضمن أساليب الرت ب ني لغاهتم واللغة العربية ، وعلى الرغم من وجود العناية الفائقة يف الدعوى إىل العاملية والتكامل الثقايف يف بع معاهد علمية عليا، جتدر الدراسة يف العناية اجلائزة واآلفاق املستقبلية للنظر يف عن اصر تعليم اللغة العربية لذلك الغرض االتصايل العاملي بني الثقافات كـِّز العمل البحثي يف هذه ا. لذا، ير لورقة على كيبية للغة العربية من حيث اإلعراب، ونظام الرتبة، واساخلصائص الرت تخدام األدوات الع املة، والتكوين الصريف، وأسلوب التطابق وغريها مما جيب توجيه الطلبة إليها عند التعلم واالكتساب. وإضاف ة إىل ذلك، هتدف ورقة العمل إىل إبراز طريقة إصالح تعليم اللغة العربية لال تصال بني الثق افات كيزبالرت على مميزاته كذا، يشمل البحثومبادئه وحتسينه. و اإلشارة إىل أوجه االختالف واالتفاق بني لغات الدارسني واللغة اهل دف اليت هي العربية. ويف االختتام، تعثر الدراسة يف ورقة العمل على نتائج مهمة يف تطوير الدراسة التكاملية لت عليم العربية لغرض اتصال عاملي ثقايف من خالل امل نهج الوصفي التحليلي بغرض نشر العربية لالتصال العاملي الفعال وبوصفها لغة ثانية