The Impact of Reward System on Employee Job Commitment: A Study of Health Workers in University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital
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Reward system is viewed basically as a means of encouraging employee to boost their
productivity. The twist by most organization particularly the ones in the public sector, pays little
or no attention on rewarding their staff. This study examines the impact of reward system on the
employees’ commitment of Health Care workers at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital.
The population of the study is made up of 3010 staff of the Hospital. Employing the use of
questionnaire to source data from the respondents. A sample of 301 was used applying Krejcie
and Morgan sample size. However, only 250 questionnaires were returned representing over
70%. The method of data analysis was multiple regression model from SPSS version 25.0. The
findings of the study revealed that there is a significant relationship between reward system (as
proxies by compensation, training and development, conducive working environment,
promotion) and work commitment of health workers as evidenced from the p-value of 0.458,
0.000, 0.000 and 0.000 respectively. The findings shows that there is a positive effect between
compensation, conducive working environment, promotion and work productivity, while there is
an inverse effect between staff training and development with work productivity. It is therefore
recommended that organizations should lay much emphasis on giving compensation, providing
e-conducive working environment, and promoting deserving staff when due as well as re-invigorating e-training and development at UITH.